PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - I'm GoldenboyFTW, host of MLG's The War Report, and I am looking for feedback!
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Old 2013-06-04, 10:59 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Staff Sergeant
Re: I'm GoldenboyFTW, host of MLG's The War Report, and I am looking for feedback!

Some critique and other random thoughts (some of it has been stated before, so it may just serve as reinforcement of oppinion) :

One thing I did react to was when you were saying that "so and so" just took out a galaxy or "managed to kill a good number of them".


Be more specific and detailed in the manner and style they did it. Was it a particualrly lucky dumbfire Shrike rocket launcher? A perfectly (mis-)placed anti personel mine that wiped half a (friendly?!) squad? A mad but highly successful Rambo rush by a light assult?
It's even more important to vocally paint the picture for the viewer if the camera didn't quite capture the action.

Also, what has changed since the last episode? Is this having an effect on the fight we're watching? Are one team trying out a new tactic based on current changes and is that being countered in a specific manner?

I know these things comes naturally with experience and familarity (perhaps even expertise) with the game, but it is oh so important as it lends weight to credibility. Keep at it!

Also, the rivalry between the empire is something that can not be stressed enough in the game. I know you're spotlighting individual outfits, but in the end, the average planetside player has an affiliation to the empires represented by the outfits rather than the outfits themselves.
Utilize that.
Don't be afraid to toss in empire tinted comments every now and again along with the outfit names. "The NC MAX crash just..." or "The TR prowler column..." etc.

Other than that, the format is pretty decent, but as Hamma said, it's very hard to control the envionment of a "match".
Especially in the state the game currently is - a wild, open server where anyone can unintetionally be tipping the scale just by randomly showing up for a good fight.

Perhaps do more of a reality show format?
Follow one or two opposing outfits along during an alert. How do they tame the chaotic world of planetside? Learn what they do and how they do it. Comment on cool tactics and crazy skill moves etc. Condense the two hours down to the best moments to fill your show if you have to.

Atleast untill you have the tools (and knowledge!) to actually measure some form of score tallying for an actual match report.

Or cobble together your own in the meantime. There are all types of data being registered that could be your win condition if you manage to fish it out.

-What team had the harasser that scored most MBT kills during the first half of an alert?
-Who managed to escort a galaxy most laps around a continent before getting shot down?

Those type of objectives are less impacted by outside influence than who captures and holds this or that facility. Infact, they take advantage of outside influence.

Anyways, keep up with the progress. It's definitly heading in the right direction.
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