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Old 2012-06-01, 11:01 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
Brigadier General
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Re: Becoming Disappointed.

1. Auto Health Regen: Its a customization. If you have it, you dont have flare or anything that goes into that slot. It has a 15 sec delay in wich you cant take any damage, or it doesnt kick in. The delay, the amount it repairs per sec and even the whole thing itself needs to be tested during beta! There is NO WAY of telling if this even makes it into release!

2. Squad spawning is the exact same mechanic as the old Hart + Drop pod. Its just the same without recalling and waiting for the hart. In fact, the sanc recall hart thing was more powerful, as you could send a entire PLATOON, no, AN ENTIRE CONTINENT WORTH OF PEOPLE bloddy EVERYWHERE. At ANY time, without ANY restrictions. Squad spawning wont allow that.

3. Where the hell did you see auto re supply?

4. Those "out of bounds" areas may go away during beta. Theres no point in having them, and its on my list of things i will stress during beta. And they are not walls!

5. Why should you get ressources not once in a while? Theres nothing wrong with that, the whole empire gets them based on the territory you own. It makes the bond within any given empire stronger. I would rather be upset if people would get them individually

6. True that you can switch with a key press, but wait for beta. Once i broke that whole mechanic and shot a few devs in my Mag doing the AV and AA at the same time, as well as blew a few guys up in a lib controlling everything at the same time, this will likley change. I dont like it, at all, its a stupid idea to begin with and got exploited to hell in every game that had this ability.

7. Those footholds wont stay for long, trust me. Devs just didnt have a chance yet to see what they really do to the territory system. But beta will show.

8. You always could bail instantly from anything in Planetside, so whats the problem?

9. What other one man tanks? I have not seen any, and neighter did you. If you mean those Driver = gunner stuff: We had that in Planetside for ages, the Magrider. And dont tell me the PPA was useless, the thing was quite good if you knew how to use it. Prowler and Vanguard may get the option to have a dedicated driver, and thats much needed anyway, because you cannot drive and gun at the same time effectivly, especially with all that stuff around. Trust me, those "one man tanks" as you call them will be coffins for everyone in them.

10. The lack of enter and exit animations saddens me as well, but who knows what that 5 year plan may contain.

11. Power increasing? Wut? Err, nope? its called Customization, to gain extra power in A, you give away power in B.
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