PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - The Central Thread for Revamping (Not OPing) NC as a Faction
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Old 2013-09-02, 12:58 PM   [Ignore Me] #10
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Re: The Central Thread for Revamping (Not OPing) NC as a Faction

Originally Posted by Blynd View Post
So basically your issue is that some of the tr kit is op and you wan to ride that gravytrain.
The TR are op in several areas hence their huge pop on all servers but that doesn't ,ran the NC suck. Just that the tr need a nerf on the striker wad and prowler that's the issue you have but are going about it wrong.
Well sort of. If we nerf every OP thing then every factions kit may as well be reskins of each other, that's not the game I want to play. Every faction should have things that make the other factions jealous. NC doesn't have anything like that currently. Maybe the Vanguard, but people aren't faction jumping to drive a Vanguard. NC deserves nice kit too :X

The Striker is here to stay. The devs are working on a fix to the Striker's "bugs" but they've made no mention of any intent to balance or nerf the weapon in any regard. After the Strikers bugs are worked out, it will still be OP as hell and can deny vehicle presence in a large radius around a defended point (or out in the open as some TR like to do :{ ) WAAY better than anyone else can. The Striker is this game's measure of how far an empire's "traits" or "empire specific units" can be pushed in the name of "superiority" and NC has nothing that even approaches that level. VS have the ZOE Max which is now balanced more or less against other Maxes, but is still OP against infantry and it should stay there, that's a very good place for it. The Scythe is DEADLY when paired with a pilot that can keep his distance in a dogfight to exploit the tiny frame from his enemy. If he even has decent aim he will win every dogfight because the Hailstorm synergizes with this. VS has nice things too, maybe not always to the level of TR, and I would campaign for a VS revamp as well, but NC needs it more IMO. VS is more or less functional at this point in the game, NC still feels like we're relatively unchanged since Beta + the Phoenix.

Here's something I wanted to say earlier, but didn't think of it in time. The NC have no unit that has AI superiority, nothing even approaching it, however, not every NC unit has AV superiority either... sometimes that's given to VS or TR... so if we give at least one NC unit AI superiority, it could go a LONG way, to revamping NC in a meaningful way that could also be more fun for NC players. I'm not even sure if this would be possible for the current units we have in the game, we might need to add in a whole new unit so that the NC would have the AI superiority they so very much need and deserve.

Last edited by DashRendar; 2013-09-02 at 01:01 PM.
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