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Old 2012-06-09, 02:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Re: association with free to play

Well if the grind is too long what will happen is people will just stop playing rather than paying, they'll go "well I'm not spending 100$ just to be effective, or grinding for 100 hour where I'll just get farmed by wallet warrior"

Then you're left with very small player base, for a game whose main feature is 1000s of player fighting at once that's bad. I guess if you can buy everything for the price of a game then it'd be fine, but you get to the point where if you brought everything but the server population is constantly low, you'll just get bored and feel like you wasted money. It's a balancing act, one which tribes messed up I think.

Having a free gun rotation would be pretty damn fun I think, get player to try new gun once in awhile, that's one of the stuff I liked about lol, some hero I'd never play but I found out I liked them.

I am a bit worried about gaining cert outside game, that might cause the price of stuff to be insanely high with the justification that you're always gaining cert point.

I still think tribes was pretty pay to win, the basic class all need at the very least 50 000 exp to be competitive, that's like a good 100 game for a new player, and as soon as you get out of the newb league and into the real player league, it's incredibly rough since you don't have the good perk/armor upgrade/weapon upgrade and all that, plus once you spend all that you're lock into that one class with all the other being barebone, if you get in a match and a bunch of people are already filling you're role, you have to switch to something much less effective. Hopefully there really won't be straight upgrade in PS2.
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