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Old 2011-08-19, 09:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
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Vanu Mechanized Assault Exo-Suit (MAX) Ideas.

Let's be really clear for a moment. This is the coolest thing in any of the screenshot/concept art that has been given to us.

I love it. I adore it. I don't know who was responsible, T-RAY or someone else but I will love them forever if the rendering is half as amazingly awesome as this picture.

It even makes up for this nonsense:

And don't get me started on what we mostly hope isn't the magrider on the teaser trailer.

No none of these things have been kind to us in the mind of many, but this MAX... we were ecstatic on mumble when word got out.

It looks great it feels threatening, it's actually alien and super sexy.

But aside from that, what i'm here about is to express the thought many of us had when we first gazed upon it's glory.
  • Linear Thrusters - It looks like it should be rushing forward and gaining ground in a scary way, this would be awesome, and not too far from current PS mechanics, it'd just be more maneuverable and lighter, like current.
  • Blinking Capability - I can kind of visualize the... (Gun?) On the max as something that does this because it looks like a gate from Mass Effect, perhaps this could be a cool-down that might make it pop around a corner unexpectedly
  • Give this a Laser Sword - Just Because.

This would make playing a MAX pretty fun, varied, and provide a lot of skill points to cover.

Yes, I Basically want this to be a miniture Gundam, but isn't it already? Vanu have always been about speed, and elegance of design. While the other two sides have juggernauts of a MAX unit, the Vanu have a kind of glass cannon whose purpose is to bust through infantry lines, and cause chaos and evade projectiles with it's abilities.

"Why, Red, does this not seem overpowered?"

Again, glass cannon argument, can it take as many hits? No. Does it hit as hard as the others? Maybe not as hard. Does it make your enemies flip shit when it Blinks around a corner with a sword? A bit.

Please no: "My goodness the mechanics of this would be quite hard" arguements. This is a wishlist, the dev team are big boys they can handle it

Thoughts? Additions? "RedKnights this seems OP" comments?

Also, What do you want for your Empire's MAX? (NC & TR)

Last edited by RedKnights; 2011-08-19 at 09:18 PM.
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