PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Pop-A-Lock, Planetstyle
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Old 2003-02-01, 11:04 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
First Sergeant
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I would go with a strategy similar to Toimu's.

First start off with 20 stealth hackers/combat engineers and 10 MAX's (4 AI, 3 AV, 3 AA)

The stealth hacker would break up into 8 groups of 2, and 4 individual groups.

7 of the pairs would hack a vehicle terminal to get wraiths and then go to the other bases besides the one you want to take and prepare for the order to hack the main console by hacking inventory stations and other critical systems, preparing to destroy the generator and mining the shit out of the base(assuming that hacking invo stations doesnt set off any alarms).

The last pair would prepare to take the base you actually want to keep and then get 2 AMS (by hacking vehicle terminal) set up near/in the base.

The four individual stealth hackers would go out to nearby towers and start to take them over (travelling by wraith again).

The MAX's would stay at the base they want to keep.

As soon as everyone was ready the hackers would start hacking the main console on the base they want to keep, hack the main console/blow the generators on the other bases, and start taking the towers.

At this point a high level commander would be nice (rank 4/5), they could put out an empire wide call for reinforcements that could come in on drop pods and have towers/AMS set up for respawning. If this goes outside the bounds of the scenario that you set up Airlift, then it isnt neccessary, just usefull.

The hackers in the other bases cause hell to anyone for as long as they can, the towers belong to you and can be used as respawn/defence (gun towers) and the main base you are trying to take will blend in with all the others so that it wont get any special attention, but it has two AMS set up in it and 10 MAX's guarding it.

Imagine the look on the enemy commanders faces when all of the bases on a continent get hacked at the same time. They wont know which one is real (and they could all be for all they know), and so they have to have equal forces go to each one. And with the generators down they will have a really hard time taking the decoy bases. The 10 MAX's with respawn take care of the people trying to take the main base.

I think this plan or some variation of it would work, but I still imagine that popping the lock on continents would be more of an effort for multiple platoons. Just because there are going to be so many people coming at you at once to keep their bases. You could easily get a platoon or more coming to re-take a single base, that could get really nasty really quick. That is why I think that the first platoon would primarily be for setting up respawn points for reinforcements that dont even have to know about the plan.
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