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Thread: Role of MAXs
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Old 2012-04-05, 12:26 PM   [Ignore Me] #12
Gonefshn's Avatar
Re: Role of MAXs

Originally Posted by Warborn View Post
I really wish they had thrown out the PS1 stuff about MAXs and made them a class with their own special niche, capable of doing stuff nobody else can do. Every class except heavy assault and MAXs have that going for them. Healing/rezzing, repairing/building, jumpjets, stealthy stuff. All cool features which make those classes which possess them very distinct and useful.

What do MAXs have? Well, instead of taking bullets to kill them, you need to use missiles and stuff. Great. Oh, and they turn slowly. Amazing. Frankly, this seems to me that it'll be a missed opportunity. A lot of work spent developing a class whose job is already taken.
I don't understand what you are saying exactly here. In PS1 the MAX's had a niche. Nothing was anything like them. And your missing the main thing that sets them apart, the MAX abilities.

They have confirmed that each MAX will have it's own ability and function. We may not know what these are yet but for the sake of arguement lets say the TR MAX still locks down and deploys. How is this any less specific and niche than a jumpjet on a LA?

No hate, just saying.
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