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Old 2012-07-12, 11:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
I'm Actor and this is my squad symbol (x_x)

Hey all!

I thought I'd introduce myself since I've been following Planetside 2 for a while now, I'm Actor. I will be bringing Devilsronin, Viper, and Ottomister (possibly up to 8 more of our friends) into the Planetside community as soon as we get beta keys for them.

The Terran Rebublic will be getting a new squad, the Death Face Squad. We are a small fireteam that's been playing together since Battlefield Vietnam and Battlefield 2. We have played all the versions since and were extremely let down with Battlefield 3.

Entering from stage right is Planetside 2. We are so very excited for the possibilities, this game sounds like everything we have ever dreamed of!!! We usually operate as a small squad bent on creating chaos behind enemy lines. However, when a good commander took charge in Battlefield 2 (and Battfield Project Reality mod) we were always ready and willing to follow orders. We know a small, tight, unit can be a powerful weapon; but when an entire team works together then that is an unstoppable force!

If there are any outfits out there who are interested in a unit that is experienced in sabotage and carries a wide variety of skills (medic, AT, pilots, armor, tactics, espionage, etc.) then send me a message and we will talk. Our main concern is that we can have fun, we would like a team that works together, that uses tactics to outflank and hit the enemy hard. An Airborne Ranger once said, "Poor bastards, they've got us surrounded". Just because there is more enemy than friendlies doesn't mean we can't defeat them! (as I said previously we are planning on joining the TR, however, if there are any NC or VS who think they can change our minds, we'd be willing to consider it).

I'd also like to give a quick shout out to the developers. You guys are astounding, your involvement in the community surpasses anything that I've ever seen before. You guys rock!!!

P.S. Myself and Ottomiester will be attending the community event this Friday (7/13/12) msg me on here and we can say hi!

P.S.S You can also hit me up on steam, my account name is actor117
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