PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - orbiting stations 'contintnet' (space battles)
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Old 2012-08-07, 02:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #4
Gugabalog's Avatar
Re: orbiting stations 'contintnet' (space battles)

Thats an interesting idea. Have a few REALLY large complexes with some tunnels big enough for tanks. And plenty of defence hard points to keep off galaxies looking to start a boarding action.

*Fantasizes about a boarding action where people are fighting deck by deck and the CIC is on top.*

I think the existing air vehicles would work fine. Libs could be used to blow external hardpoints, interceptors would be obviously useful, galaxies could be used to board, and vehicles could be used in a limited fashion in the larger tunnels. (Similar to how air sucks in jungles and infantry sucks in plains)
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