PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Why is it class based?
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Old 2012-07-04, 10:28 PM   [Ignore Me] #32
Re: Why is it class based?

I think part of the reason that specialized classes are better in PS2's case is because
1.) It's easier for players to develop their character by focusing on specific stats per class instead of having a very broad selection of skills/attributes to choose from. What you would likely see is many new players running around with very ineffective builds, which they would surely learn from but would still hurt their team because they're not fitted to any specific role. And...

2.) It keeps teams from having a group of half-assed healers, engineers, and assault classes and designating one player as having ONE role that they're good at. If you wanted to be a medic with less healing ability and a bit more firepower then you wouldn't be an effective medic nor would you be an effective assault because you're somewhere in between. Medics should be healing, not running and gunning. Each class fills a role, and having a "Jack of all trades" would only be able to do a job kind of well that a specialized class would do really well instead.

Last edited by DownloadFailed; 2012-07-04 at 10:29 PM.
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