PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - SOE balancing TR MAXs!
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Old 2003-06-05, 06:20 PM   [Ignore Me] #54

Actually, toning down the TR max makes alot more sense than having the other MAXs up to par.

If the NC and VS MAXs were boosted up to TR's overpowered strengths, then the MAX will dominate the field. It'll be a big MAX & Vehicle fest. You have Max's for indoors, and vehicles for outdoors.

Why bother with infantry at all now? To hack CCs? Give me a break. How's 10-20-30 infanty get thru 5-10 TR MAXs gaurding the CC?

Flank them with Decimators? Shoot them from afar with a Lancer? Run them over with Magriders? Excuse me, but when did they start putting CCs out in the fucking forest and in the open? Oh, they didn't! They are in buildings. Safe havens for the TR MAX's.

So, we bring the NC & VS MAX up to par. Now we make the infantry stronger. Now we make the vehicles stronger. Now we make the MAXs stronger. Oh-oh, gotta make the infantry stronger again.

Just balance the TR by toning it down, yet still make it hard to kill each other. Bringing up the power just makes killing EASIER. I'm sorry about your kiddie mindset that it's fun to just kill things easier. Now you have to work at killing, what a fuckin' concept.

Funny, TR are ALWAYS whining, "VS just needs to learn to use their weapons effectively". Well, looks like the TR are going to have to take their own fuckin' advice.

I'll start it out:

TR, learn to use your MAX's effectively".

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