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Old 2012-04-02, 06:50 PM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Re: Planetside 2 and Trolls

Originally Posted by ItsTheSheppy View Post
Ah. That's not called trolling, you see. It's called Griefing. You may think it's called trolling because maybe you're not old enough to know what it used to be called, before people tried to make it all cute. Trolling is a Forumside thing, not a Planetside thing. At least get it right.

Since the game is going to be f2p, SOE would be idiotic to ignore the issues Realtime Worlds and then GamersFirst had with APB. Cheaters and griefers everywhere, made the game almost unplayable. They eventually instituted a harsher policy and some new technology to catch cheaters, and they managed to somewhat curtail the griefers, but only just so. The game is still barely playable.

Hardware bans would be the only way to really get it done, from my limited knowledge on the subject. I also wouldn't mind them requiring a credit card number. Oh no, does that mean the kiddies won't be able to play? Perish the thought!

TK's are easy to deal with and more often then not they believe they are disrupting the game more then they are. When we see douche bag's like you Dreamcast in game and you shoot down one of us as a teamkill, no matter what name you are playing under, we are going to be saying in Vent. "Kill that motherfucker [Insert your douche bag name here] he TK'd me." You might as well paint a big target on your back, because we are not going to stop at just killing you back once. We will take turns TK'ing you back so whatever grief system they put in we can minimize the effect from. Realistically you are going to get to grief PuG's with TK'ing with little retribution, that is who will suffer from TK's. A simple /Global system could easily address the PuG's problem and put your name in the mouth of every pissed off squad/unit leader that is trying to get something done on the Continent you are causing problems on.

All PS2 accounts should be tied to a Station Account. All Station accounts should require positive identification of the individual registering the account. There are several ways of doing this, and I will let SOE decide which combination of checks to use. This way when you cheat or grief so much your PS2 account is banned and so is your Station Account. At least make the individuals who are going to make multiple accounts to be douche bags on work for more then 5 minuets to make a new account.

Cheating/Hacking is the problem, not players TK'ing.

Last edited by Tasorin; 2012-04-02 at 06:53 PM.
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