PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - factions not unique enough?
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Old 2013-07-29, 07:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #12
Re: factions not unique enough?

I played planetside 1 when it came out, and well into core combat, then took a break, came back a bit when BFRs were balanced a bit, and really, really looked forward to PS2. I played beta, went premium asap, and went on the month to month plan because i really, really wanted to support PS2. I wanted it to have all the aspects of PS1, and build on it with everything PS2 had to offer.

What Aduras Warhound said rings true with me. at the same time I understand that PS2 is not PS1, and they cant have a huge weapon variety and also balance the game easily. Still, I miss the days when we had just a few weapons, and I would meet up with some TR scum, and we would trade Gauss for Cyclers, and throw em in our lockers, and my buddies always wondered where I got my stockpile.

Really, the few things some of us want are so simple, its kinda shitty they are not in the game. I want some real, honest knifeplay. I would love for my knife to be a toggle thing, not a quick knife. I would love to hear that psychopath terran player revving his chain blade, or the angry humm of a vanu force knife. I would love to see knife work with cloak as it would only momentarily break the field.

I would love to see NC's weapons get a bit more "gaussy" and the TR's to get a bit faster, and the VS to get weirder. I would love to run out of ammo, and worry as I pull out my pistol, and hope to find a backpack of some enemy.

At the same time I know that ps2's pacing is much faster.

I would love to drive an ANT again, and in ps2 it could be used to fuel up sunderers as nanites are still part of a story right? But Its not that kind of game.

I've talked to a lot of my friends, and We all came to the same conclusion. What is wanted, is not really what PS2 is. Its sad for me, but hey, I had my time, and I had my fun. I hope that someone from the dev team takes a look at this and throws some thought to it, because I am getting ready to call it a day with planetside. We had a good run, but have grown apart, and I wish the absolute best for the dev team, and the community. I know there will be more players. Still, I hope the coming patches can just infuse a bit of that strange magic from the first game, its really just the small features that make it.
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