PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Does anyone else think that bases need to be redesigned?
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Old 2013-07-09, 09:14 PM   [Ignore Me] #7
Master Sergeant
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Re: Does anyone else think that bases need to be redesigned?

Yes. Bases need to be changed. And a pro-defender mentality needs to be re-adopted. What good is a facility if ownership of it does not allow you to defend while out-numbered? SOE has been stripping away defender advantages, and the turning point was about March. They want Steamrollside, and facilities to change hands fluidly. I big reason for this is esports. Well now that they've developed an arena for their esports, maybe they can focus on base design that isn't wrecked by esports.

We've seen enhancements for defenders. We didn't have much of any walls in the beginning. As time marches on we keep getting more walls, and more overhead cover, and blast plates to protect against shells, but it is still designed wrong. And those dome shields coming as they are currently designed are actually more pro-attacker. We'll have attackers bringing in superior air domination, and then once that is done, they'll be throwing picnics on top of the shield waiting to drop off the edge at their leisure.

In base design we needs spawn rooms that are not big fish bowls sitting out in the open ready to be camped. We need underground spawning facilities, buildings within buildings, tunnels, closer proximity to capture points with relatively protected access avenues, trenches; walls that encompass the spawn/capture/vehicle terminal/generators, not obstruct them. Spawn rooms need multiple exits that are WAY spread out. A tunnel this way, a trench that way, etc. If attackers want to "camp" a facility spawn, they have to cover 3, 4, 5, 6+ egresses spread out over 100-150 meters per area at EVERY facility. We need walls that have crates and catwalks on the DEFENDER'S side only.

We need some pro-defender mechanics back into the game. Anyone can overload a generator, but only a defending engineer can fix it! HOW MUCH SENSE DOES THAT MAKE? It makes no sense, because SOE stopped being pro-facility/pro-defender. How about this? ONLY an infiltrator or engineer (not both) can over-load a generator? OH MY SO RADICAL!

We need mechanics like, defending max's can resecure a capture point, but attacking max's can't. Or defending engineers can deploy a turret and cap the point at the same time, but attacking engineers can't.

There are no cover mechanics. Crouch behind a crate, or on top of a building with just your head exposed? You just give the enemy a more focused spot to give you a critical head shot - no damage reduction provided for cover at all.

And ghost hacking! Good gosh they haven't put anything in place to stop that. Even on Indar, if you stumble into a facility on the lattice alone, you can flip the point and LEAVE!

How about this? Defenders can flip their points and leave to DEFEND. Attackers CAN'T! They must keep someone on the point in order for it to maintain the hack. WALLA! Solves ghost hacking too!

I could go on, and on, and on...

Last edited by Timithos; 2013-07-09 at 09:23 PM.
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