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Old 2012-07-28, 02:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
DayOne's Avatar
Re: My thoughts on gameplay.

1. The ability to duel wield Pistols for our soldiers.

2. To have some form of a med pack 1 use only if we have no medic around.
Yes but only if it replaces something (genade, special grenade etc.)

3. Infiltrators ability to climb walls.

4. Being able to call down airstrikes - varies with each faction
Mission system should take care of this (i hope)

5. Being able to call down for equipment - eg. More Ammo, or getting an ATV
That would be a sunderer

6. Have helicopters with the possibility of side guns for friends to hop on.
That is a galaxy

7. Have a cool infantry first person interface when on the ground - tells you weather and allows you to see enemies in the night more clearly.
You have eyes, nv and thermal scopes

8. (Refer to Star wars republic commando). That electric visor wiper that clears of dirt and blood would be cool.
not really needed but might be cool

9. hand to hand combat that does not involve the gun e.g. kicks & punches.

10. Brutal Assassinations.
I support OHKO knives but ONLY if you cert into it

11.*** Space combat*** victory in taking out ships from space mean you can lend support to your troops on the ground. Reinforcements from space.
You guys can do it don't say we cant.
Possibility of being added post-launch

12. the ability to have AI assist us in-game, best tactic to take, possible obstacles and weak points. *Jarvis and the like*
Is 2000 player pvp not enough?

13. Some sort of Submarine, and Boat Combat.
Possibility of being added post-launch

14. Special missions like safe the Target.
alternate objectives would be cool

15. Assassinate the target. Making capturing and hex go much faster.
Heck the target can be SONY employees who play the game.
This is the same as 14

16. Training grounds and simulation areas. Can go solo or in teams of 2,4,6,10.
I'm pretty sure this will be in anyway but I don't know if you will be able to have other people with you. post-launch maybe.

17. Vehicle like the halo Warthog.
That would be the harasser and it will be added post launch
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