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Old 2012-04-19, 11:10 AM   [Ignore Me] #43
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Re: New pic of TR Prowler

Originally Posted by Shake View Post
Prowler seems like the worst tank aesthetically and functionally.
I really like the new position of the barrels the more I think about it, and seems perfectly fine in both aesthetics and functionality. We need to keep in mind that we aren't just driving anymore, we are also in charge of shooting the main tank. We also need to remember that the Terran Republic are focused on speed, which means it'll be more like driving a fast armored vehicle more than a slow lumbering tank. So keeping these things in mind lets look at some of the pictures we have.

This is a really good picture to show my main defense in the design of the new Terran Republic Prowler. First off its smaller than the Magrider and Vanguard, supporting the new focus on speed and mobility for the empire. This smaller size and shorter stature would also make it harder to hit at long ranges, so when you bring faster speed into the mix you can start to see the benefits. The next obvious focal point is the main gun, however I'd like you to look instead at the gunner turret right behind the main gun. It's actually placed right on the main pivoting point of the tank, and sits slightly lower than the other two empires. This should help prevent disorientation while maneuvering around mid-fight. Now lets move on to the main gun.

If you remember from the 45 Mins of GamePlay from GDC, the Vanguard camera was below and to the left of the main cannon. This is because the drivers window is located there, as you can see in the picture above as a dark rectangular window. So I would assume that the Terran Republics driver window is the middle area, top left of where the mouse cursor is pointing. This would mean the driver is positioned directly in the middle of the tank, allowing for potentially more situational awareness and better driving ability. These are all assumptions of course, but I can certainly see how the design can really be a plus for Terran Republic soldiers. As far as the main gun itself lets look at the most recent picture.

The two barrels for the main cannon are now much closer together than the original, hopefully alleviating the constant misalignment issue that plagued the Prowler in Planetside 1. We don't really know the caliber or rate of fire yet, but I'm confident that it will be balanced with the other empires. I would much rather the new Prowler in Planetside 2 than the tortoise of a tank we had in Planetside 1.
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