PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - shaql's Areas.xml mapper (with Hossin, Searhus, and more!)
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Old 2013-06-04, 05:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
Lightbulb shaql's Areas.xml mapper (with Hossin, Searhus, and more!)

Hello, you may or may not remember my map of Hossin facilities . I mentioned that I'll release my tool (if you want the source - don't. It's really, really ugly.) - sorry for the delay, but I wanted to finish up some features ;]

It is now available on!/planetstatus (quite ugly and very slow, sorry for that (I'll optimize later). and tested only under firefox)

Here's some features and explanations:
  • Based on PlanetSide 2 Players' Site (thanks SOE!)
  • You can select a map from a wide selection of versions - basically depending on when I extracted which file ;]
  • There's loads of circles and rectangles - their properties (along with an ID, and a radius for spheres) is displayed when you hover over the border (some may have multiple properties, or none):
  1. RandFX is RandomEffects, CompFX is Composite Effects (both are all kind of effects particles, lights, stuffz),
  2. Sound is SoundEmitter (including the Easter Egg roars in the mountains!)
  3. ObjTerrData is ObjectTerrainData, or biomes (such as indoor, indar_ocean, ...), basically sets the sky settings (and sun, and fog) and whatever else is biome-related
  4. dashed lines are Jump Pads, the sequence long-med-short dash shows the direction.
  5. Exclusive, Interaction - I have no idea what those are. not enough data yet
  6. Death - well, guess.
  • Height is NOT included (duh), so huge Death zones could be the water, from a certain level
  • Radii for spheres and domes could be messed up. I'm not sure what could I compare them to

Some interesting observations so far:
  • There is some sort of WarpGate FX in the middle of Hossin!
  • Umm.. anything else? :P

If you have any suggestions or feature requests, please do not hesitate to post them, either here or in a PM ;]

Huge thanks to Sir_Kane, RoyAwesome and other users of a certain, top secret IRC channel , and of course to SOE, for the awesome game!
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