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Old 2011-08-08, 05:07 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
Sergeant Major
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Empire Specific Aircraft (Fighters)

Felt this thread should be made since Higby mentioned that each empire will have its own unique fighter craft in that G4TV video. Keep in mind these are fighter craft, for killing other aircraft, not for any other role such as ground assault, etc.

So I came up with a few ideas for ESFC (Empire Specific Fighter Craft), you can either add to them, change them, or come up with entirely new ideas.

RECENTLY EDITED: Removed special abilities and armaments, and made the speed with and without afterburn the same for all aircraft for balance issues. Also changed the names of the fighters. Removed the armaments because this will be where the balance is. I do believe that each aircraft should have one main gun and one type of "missile" weapon that it can fire, as they are fighters. These need to be decided on however.

New Conglomerate - The Hawk

Appearance: More blocky than the other aircraft, a little bit more bulky as well. It follows the traditional theme of the NC, slower firing but packing more of a punch.

Speed: Max speed 120kph (200 with afterburn)

Armaments: Needs to be further discussed

Special ability: Yet to be decided

Terran Republic - The Hunter

Appearance: Looks more like a modern day strike craft, professionally made. More sleek than the NC variant.

Max speed: 120kph (200 with afterburn)

Armaments: Needs to be further discussed

Special ability: Yet to be decided

Vanu Sovereignty - The Vespin

Appereance: The most sleek, alien looking of the three. Lots of curves (lol) and fins.

Max speed: 120kph (200 with afterburn)

Armaments: Needs to be further discussed

Now obviously weapon balance, speed of vehicles, and armor, all of have to be discussed as its all theoretical at this point.

Last edited by MasterChief096; 2011-08-09 at 12:58 PM.
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