PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Better Stealther Gameplay
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Old 2012-02-05, 10:53 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
Re: Better Stealther Gameplay

I was bad at murdering people as an infiltrator in the first, and I'd likely be bad at it in the second. What I *wasn't* bad at, though, was killing stealthers with darklight. Darklight needs a change, since it's basically free kills for anyone that flips it when a cloaker's in sight.

I've always been a supporter of objective-based stealth gameplay, and that was what I tried to do when I *did* cloak. I was the guy who preferred to drop viruses and hack towers, CE, vehicles, and terminals, rather than just kill people with CE. I like these ideas, and the overall goal of what you're trying to do. That won't stop others from railing you for trying to change what they're good at.

Stealthing lost a lot of its badassery for me way back when I noticed that it was pretty much an exercise in finding the right time to drop a boomer and not be seen. With the newer, more 'modern FPS' TTKs and graphics, it'd be roughly analogous to an invisible guy running around throwing C4 at people. And that's silly.
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