PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - I'm sure many of you already seen this but..
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Old 2012-10-10, 03:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Miir's Avatar
Re: I'm sure many of you already seen this but..

In regards to the footholds being remove:
It's good to hear they are considering removing footholds as I'm not a fan.

But I have to ask how will giving each empire one continent be better? If each continent supports 2000 players and you only can spawn on your home continents foothold. Then there will be potential for a lot of players to be stuck in limbo because of population caps. Unless they are planning to give you a means to spawn in and attack anywhere on any continent? But the adjacency rules pretty much prevents this so I really have no idea how this can work.

In regards to the fog:
Way to set your anti-hacking bar high SOE.

In regards to how long it should take to unlock weapons:
You should be given enough certs to specialize a bit in one class as soon as you create a character. Then earn the rest of the certs slowly. A player should be able to pick his favorite gear on day 1 and use that. If you want a reflex site then you got it. If you want a better healing tool you got it. If you want a spawn beacon you got it. Putting any sort of limitation on someones playstyle for a time is just an unnecessary handicap that needs to be removed. I play this game for the global war aspect not for the MMO style grind to unlock my shit. Why penalize me for that.
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