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Old 2012-08-03, 01:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #23
Dropshockmedic's Avatar
Re: Crawling on the ground... missing?

Originally Posted by Littleman View Post
They want a dynamic battlefield, one that is constantly moving and in flux.
Originally Posted by MCYRook View Post
That's a conscious dev decision - crouch is in, prone is not. I presume because prone would slow down gameplay too much, and they are aiming for quite non-sluggish gameplay with lots of movement.
As if you can force people how to play - haha, that simply wont happen.
No one can force me to play in a certain way, not even the Devs. Do you really believe people will bow down to a missing function?
To keep the gameplay on a faster moving level?

Then people will "camp" WITHOUT it! If they really want! There are tons of possibilitys to do so! Just because I cant lay down on my belly and hide between gras or other objects, that doesnt mean I cannot hide or camp.
- Use a Tank, dont move to much and watch at a good location. Like in hangers or between buildings.
- Use an Aircraft. You will be seen, but so what? Its not impossible to break log-ons, and camp with mere and never-ending presence in air.
^ try to have a Engineer-comrade at hand at all times.
Someone who enjoys this too. There is always enough fish in the ocean.
- Play as Infantry! You can camp with nearly any class. Use every corner with a little bit Shadow and angles that are normally not looked at so much and blast the Hell out of all enemys that come across.

What I want in the games I play is a maximum of realism.
And its not impossible for a human body to lay down and lay in wait.
People will do what they want. I camped in crouching in Halo1 very often and it always worked out.

There is only one reason I can think of why the devs wouldnt want to place this in the game.
And that is simply what computers can handle and what not!
From some games I played I know that animated grass can be a little kick on what a PC is able to manage in total.
Specially games with a beautiful and big amount of grass!

This game will be big and the devs want to get everything out of it that is possible. So they just cut the grass's maximum range when its visible to help our cute PCs to bear the burden.
Even highend-PCs will have a hard time in fights where +600 players met in one little Hex?
I can imagine that a little bit...!

But even if their is no grass to hide in and that move will make me even more vulnerable as if I just run around like a chicken, or the dancing Banana, dodging bullets like a troll. ^^
Its just missing in a game that aims to be as realistic as possible or not?!
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