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Old 2014-06-27, 03:21 AM   [Ignore Me] #14
Mordelicius's Avatar
Re: Update Notes 06/26 Continent Locking and Hossin

Woo, this continent is so good!

But currently, Emerald Server is a mess. TR Emerald refuse to engage the VS. They are literally scared of the VS. They don't enjoy fighting the VS; they like fighting the NC because both faction is balanced against each other.

Normally, NC is fine getting gangpiled left and right (it's actually fun). However due to the new continent locking, the VS now has a free hand to lock whichever continent they want simply because the TR will only attack NC.

As a result, even NC players log out, giving VS massive population boost. One thing the NC and TR agree is both faction is balanced.

Vanu need to be calibrated to NC and TR levels. This is not sustainable. This is just the first day. Without the locking mechanics, the NC can hold TR and VS together (as what has happened the last couple of days being almost warpgated on both sides in Indar). Does NC mind? Not at all.

With the locking mechanics, the population easily swerve toward the VS. The developers have the data. And if you even play the game you know what's up.

Just a while ago, VS was trying to cap Hossin. TR left for the Amerish alert, even if it's basically just TR and VS fighting against NC at Hossin in the first place. That gave VS a free hand to cap the continent with 50% continent advantage to 15% TR and 35% NC. The funny thing is even with this, you get mosquitoes poking on NC bases because they simply don't want to engage the VS. This Hossin cap happened right after the Esamir Lock only about an hour or so ago.
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