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Old 2012-07-12, 01:42 PM   [Ignore Me] #1414
Brigadier General
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Re: *** PlanetSide 2 Ultimate Beta FAQ ***

It's simple:

1) Beta starts when Higby gets a haircut.

Until you see his hair hit the floor, just assume that beta is still "Soon(TM)"

2) Planetside 1 vets, PCGamer key holders, and Fanfair/E3 key holders will be the first to get in. After that, twitter and facebook keys, along with every other beta key will be the next to get in. Finally, people who simply registered for beta but have no other priority access will get in.

Players who have ever paid any money at all to play Planetside 1 are definitely vets. Everyone else, we're not sure. You'll have to wait and see.

3) People will get into beta in waves.

Even if you have multiple top priority first access keys and vet status, you still may not get in right away, but you will get in sooner than others who aren't as high priority.

So it sounds like beta starts today, but we can't be 100% sure yet. But even if it does start today, still expect to wait a while before you get in, especially if you are in one of the lower priority groups.

But we will all be in soon enough, and having the beta process about to start is a lot closer than we've been before. So let's cut some goddamn hair.
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