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Thread: What a travisty
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Old 2012-06-29, 04:23 PM   [Ignore Me] #85
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Re: What a travisty

Originally Posted by LegioX View Post
Do i need to show you all the times Obama stated to the American people "its not a tax"? Would you be mad if the Pres. directly lied to you about the entire process on how the bill was passed?
This is the point though. It isn't about him lying or not. He's lied his ass off while in office. He lied about stopping torture, lied about not prosecuting whisteblowers, lied about being easy on medical marijuana, lied about closing Guantanamo, lied about meaningful health care reform, etc etc. This isn't about him lying. You people don't give a fuck about him lying, otherwise we'd have outrage threads every week. What you care about is the word "tax". Even if it isn't a tax you'll have to pay, even if it's a tax that serves an important function, anytime someone even farts and it sounds like the word "tax" there's a shit storm across the spectrum.

Taxes are important. Taxes pay for your shiny missiles to blow up brown people with, and to give to your bankers so they can continue to play games with peoples livelihoods. "Tax" isn't a bad word, and it's fairly recently that it's become a bad word in the US. Reagan raised taxes numerous times and yet he's jackoff material for the American right.

So at least be honest with yourselves here. This isn't because your image of Obama as an honest guy has been shattered. It's because that fucking weirdo Grover Norquist and guys like him have told you that raising taxes is tantamount to raping babies, and like with everything else you've bought their spiel without giving it a second thought.
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