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Old 2013-08-22, 08:43 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Re: Got 2k station cash, now what?

I disagree about camo being cosmetic, depending on which faction you play for. The purple spandex guys blend in to the background very well, even on esamir when its dark or in the shadows and they are pretty hard to see, even when running. Also the fact that the artisitc director plays VS (so I've heard) and the face girl / dev with the purple hair plays, you guessed it... VS as well, so isn't it coincidental that there are all kinds of purple terrain features in the game? Even purple butterflies that have made me nearly mess myself a few times. Big purple rocks, etc etc. I don't see many blue or red things other than actual faction related equipment or banners that are part of the background. I have one set of camo for each continent, and I picked the ones that blend me into the most stuff. And getting spotted went down drastically. I have the other factions stroll by me all the time and they never notice. It's even made punk a** aimbotters stick out too, when I'm hiding from everyone - and I do mean everyone - and some level 1-10 guy walks around a building and instantly drills me right in the head for a OHK from the hip at a good 25 meters, and I'm sitting well above his line of sight... Hmmm... a little fishy. I'll pull their stats and it's pretty obvious what they are up to. It won't save you from those jerks, and scout radar can ruin your day, but I wouldn't call ALL camo useless. But I wouldn't use the composite stuff, it is just for looks along with decals and badges, some of those glow in the dark even - not good!

As you play you'll aquire stuff, some of it for gun lust, some of it at the suggestion of others, and you'll find what works for you and what doesn't pretty fast. Suppresors are nice for some things, but you'll find the damage you'll do drops like a rock. But as you improve your headshot skill, you'll be using it more and more.
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