PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - What don't you want?
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Old 2009-11-08, 06:25 AM   [Ignore Me] #22
Re: What don't you want?

BFR's aren't wanted because they go against Everything Planetside Was. Amazing infantry combat with "vehicle" support. BFR's gave too much power to individual players, and made Infantry Senseless except in close quarters interiors. They also just didn't fit the game graphically. It went hand in hand with all the other things that went wrong, like BR40 and 1 man armies who can afford just about everything.

Also, they're just too damn big. We had MAX suits. Mechs that large are just silly compared to everything else in the game. if they scaled them down to the size of an Imperial Sentinel (Warhammer 40K) or the power loader from Aliens/ED209, they'd probably be more appropriate. I would also encourage them, at that scale, to replace MAX suits.

I believe the only hard counter to infantry should be infantry. It keeps things on a personal, engaging level of gameplay when base captures get indoors.

I think all vehicles should be more grand in scale, so taking down vehicles are an actual accomplishment. But I don't think Vehicles should have so much ammo that they can spam every door that opens for half a second. Every vehicle/unit should have its place.

While I agree more arsenal is better, theres better ways of going about it than making 30-40 foot high juggernauts that, pound for pound, don't match up for what they give.
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