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Old 2011-04-25, 05:06 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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Re: Just bought this after 8 years of wanting it.

Originally Posted by campencarl View Post
Done and done. Im a VS noob!
Welcome to the war. I've played since about a month after launch, but just came back after being away for a few years, so I got re-noob-ified, so hopefully I have some semi-helpful advice.

1. Rule #1: Stay calm. As you are learning, you will die...alot. Don't let it discourage you because each death is a learning experience, which brings me to point #2.

2. The biggest thing in the game is learning how not to die, and frankly, this is a process of trial and error. Basically, if you are infantry, try to stay out of the open. There's alot of air / tanks / snipers etc. that are looking for isolated troops to clean up. If you are out in the field, stay near the trees. If you are in a base, stay near cover like by the doorways. You don't have to worry about getting 1-shotted, so if you stay near cover, you can increase your life span.

3. Maxes are your friend. Max suits, especially for the VS are very good at helping you with the learning curve. Their armor will keep you alive longer, and they pack a good punch. One of the things I loved when I was a VS noob was using the Anti-air Max. You can use the jumpjets to get on top of trees which makes you a tough target, and if your base is being attacked, you will be busy. You may not always get a kill, but it can be pretty satisfying watching wave after wave of aircraft run away from you because you locked on.

4. Find an outfit that you click with. This may be the most important thing to have fun over the long term. As you are just beginning, its less important because everything is so new, but running with an active, fun outfit really takes this amazing game to the next level.

5. Don't be afraid to ask questions here. Personally, I avoid the official forums because they are a little troll heavy, but the people here really know this game and are very helpful.

Eventually, you'll find your own playstyle. Perhaps, you like to go stealth and be a cloaker, or maybe you prefer to be a tank buster and focus on Anti-Vehicle, or maybe you want to be the Heavy Assault Grunt shooting it out in the stairways and corridors of the bases. You will find some role that really connects with you, it's just a matter of playing around and seeing what clicks.
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