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Old 2012-04-27, 08:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
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Re: I have no words.

Originally Posted by WildGunsTomcat View Post
Yeah. Let's change 90 years of tradition because we're not including everyone in this new day and age....because everyone is a special little snowflake.

It's about respect. The damn thing has been there 90 years...and now a group of asshole walk by and decide they don't like it because a cross honors the Christian God.

This isn't about fairness, and those of you that say it's about fairness are frankly assholes. This is about "OMG a Christian symbol...let's cover it up because we don't like those people and their ways."

Same thing radical Christians I have zero respect for this so called "Atheist movement". They should change the name to "Asshole Prick Movement"
Yes it is about respect, those soldiers died and the christians ended up hijacking their deaths to promote their religion.
If a resident across the road offered to take it and put it up in their yard the FFRF would be completely fine with that. But it is on public land that is supposed to be used for all citizens and not just one group.

P.S. I am still personally against the removal of the statue. I certainly wouldn't be in favor of erecting any new ones, at least not on taxpayer property. But if they're already there, and have been for a while, then I fail to see the harm.
Not everyone in the area has been there for 90 years, why should the new generation have to put up with it?

Last edited by Vash02; 2012-04-27 at 08:45 AM.
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