PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Does the Prowler really need a nerf?
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Old 2013-02-28, 08:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #6
PSU Moderator
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Re: Does the Prowler really need a nerf?

The farming problem is certainly more of an issue with base design than air or tank balance. No matter how much you nerf either they are going to be able to farm infantry if given the opportunity.

One thing I have never understood about the Prowler, if I've read the damage stats correctly, why does the splash damage of each of rounds deal the same amount of damage as one round from other tanks? Shouldn't the damage be halved just like the direct damage?

Does the Prowler need a nerf? Might need a toning down of its direct damage, dunno.
I didn't like how the buff was handled since I still want a centralized turret, gun stabilization, a small reduction in recoil, independant reloading for each barrel and a special ability that caters to the Prowlers strength. If I had all that then I wouldn't mind if they toned the damage down to, more or less, where it was before.
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