PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - H1Z1 and the cannibalization of Planetside 2
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Old 2014-04-10, 06:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #4
First Sergeant
HereticusXZ's Avatar
Re: H1Z1 and the cannibalization of Planetside 2

I disagree with pretty much everything except for one lonely trivial point.

Does PS2 have some core problems, game breaking even? Yes, yes it does. So much so that I've taken a hiatus from time to time so I don't get burnt out, always able to return with a fresh face. The only complaint you list that has any credit to it is the issue with Spawn problems.

Beyond that I think the devs know what to add within the bounds of reason from what the players suggest and propose. IMO the biggest crippling factor preventing the devs from adding what's needed is there obsession with making the "New-Player Experience" as easy as possible.... We get it, players are the content but players won't stay long-term unless they have more incentive beyond just petty XP gain.

My wish list?

- Amerish has themed bases, now give those facilities mechanical purpose, Let us crew the Tumas Skylance Battery turrets, let the NC Arsenal fire a cruise missile that can impact the battle in neighboring facilities. All facilities in PS2 need to have tactical or strategic value beyond petty XP gain that makes them nothing more then a glorified paintball arena.

- Intercontinental Lattice both to get the main conflict away from Indar and so that taking a Continent might eventually mean something. Currently the 15% discounts are IMO /shrug, don't care. don't even notice that's a thing, it's insignificant.

- New Resource system, We know it's in the works, Make it a thing already!

- Multi-Crew Vehicles. It's a war machine that can kill whole squads or platoons easily, give it the complexity in requireing a proper vehicle crew, Force players to squad up, make friends, and join outfits if they want cert-machines!

- More vehicles! I really don't care if that role is already served, I wan't to see more variety in vehicles!

- Polish and add more faction specific themed weapons/vehicles.

But hey, everyone has a opinion on what can make this game great, dreamers gotta dream.

As for this H1Z1? It's a post-apocalypse zombie MMO, that theme is a dime a dozen, I don't care.... The only relation between PS2 and H1Z1 is there both MMO, that is in no way, shape or form evidence of "cannibalization" Only that there's a standard to defining what a MMO "is".

Last edited by HereticusXZ; 2014-04-10 at 06:27 AM.
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