PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return
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Old 2013-08-18, 09:36 AM   [Ignore Me] #35
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Re: Warning, very unpopular opinion! Why kill-cam desperately needs to return

Originally Posted by Rolfski View Post
Therefore, the highly unpopular kill-cam needs to return imo.
Everything you said before this line, really had nothing to do with this line.

I'm sorry but you are looking for a different game mate. Someone killing you 5 times inna row because you can't find them isn't "farming" here. If you think they're camping you have multiple options for radar detection through vehicles, and Infils can detect. Not every class/vehicle can do everything, so you have to be versatile or accept that certain things are for certain roles.

Camping sucks, in every other shooter it's considered cheap. But in Planetside there are spots covered in shadow, spots with a perfect camoflauge backdrop behind you. As an Infiltrator I camp constantly, the whole point of their class is gaining the advantage through stealth, and I love taking advantage of pissed off people who just keep charging the same area over and over.

I fully acknowledge the amount of information that comes through a proper kill cam showing a recording of the death either through the enemy's eyes or in 3rd person around him. But Planetside 2 is the ONLY MMO and FPS...a lot of people don't understand how normal FPS mechanics can hurt the MMO part. With a kill cam every single strategy would be revealed. You'd know where every sniper was hiding, how far every soldier was from you when he killed you, how many of his team where around him when he did it, you could even see bonus information like a Sunderer in the background behind a rock you couldn't see from your angle. My point is this isn't really a First Person Shooter, it's a First Person Wargame. It's an MMO, it takes navigation, exploration, and coordination to get your intel here.

Plenty of players are all ready improving every day. There are many top notch pilots/soldiers in different fields on my server. Just because it makes things easier for new players and hinders experienced players doesn't make it a good thing, you have to have balance and most people think we all ready have it. This was a huge topic in beta and it was discussed for weeks. What we have now is a final version of a few implementations I think.
Originally Posted by Higby View Post
And if you back in 2003 decided you wanted to play RTS games, between then and now you'd have dozens of RTS games you could have played. If you decided to play MMOFPS' between then and now, there were none

Last edited by Lonehunter; 2013-08-18 at 09:40 AM.
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