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Old 2003-06-04, 08:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #24

Few others.

A way to lock doors that have locks. Hacking or engineering (weld it shut Aliens style) would work.

Another way to open doors, IE breaking the lock with gun fire. Just another thing in the base that could be destroyed to consume NTU.

Flat roads. I mean, come on. Set hundreds of years in the future where the mixing of concrete has been forgotten in favor of repairing your tires, shocks, and bumpers after a short drive. I dont mean add a new skin to roads or anything, but atleast make them flat so there is a difference from driving offroad.

Tower batteries. Why is it that a tower has an infinite supply of NTU's but a large facility doesnt? I think the towers should be connected to the base. As soon as the tower or base changes sides, the tower should go onto battery reserves. Simple enough to add the battery into the spawn room, and a "refueling" pad outside the tower. Just doesnt make sense to me that the bases were the weaker of the two in a battle.

Caves. Caves would own. Underground battles, limited to no vehical support, with there own bases and strong points. It could be dark too... and speaking of which.

Night time. Dont know why its not there, but it should be. This could add an implant of either nightvision or thermal googles(not to be confused with darklight). Im not talking pitch black either, just the same kind of visability that you would see in a heavy rainstorm, with a much darker tint. Headlights would be visable at a distance, which should be able to turn off.

Okay, so more then a few. Hell some of those have like 3 ideas per idea....
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