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Old 2004-03-02, 10:12 AM   [Ignore Me] #9
Lieutenant Colonel
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Originally Posted by SilverLord
I don't play on weekdays so this weekend i get to try it out.

Any tips for me about using CE with Inf Madcow?
I'm a spitfire whore, personally. If I can get to a base that we're defending and we have the interlink benefit, it's time to rack up some kills. Personally, I go with 4 ACEs and a med applicator, my current implants are melee booster and enhanced targetting. I would make an effort to get to an interlinked base that your empire is defending to truly make things work and rack up kills, but it works other ways as well.
If you are in an interlink, keep an eye on your HUD to see exactly where individual soldiers are walking on the outsides of the base walls. Stay on top of the wall until you're basically right behind them, then leap down and plant a spit the second you hit the ground. Run straight out, perpendicular to the wall looking down and the second your spit pops up plant the next one. The standard grunt move is destroy the spit, then look for the cloaker. By the time the spit is destroyed, the second spit has popped up and is killing them. Of course, you're taking that opportunity to loop around them again, planting yet another spit in their path. Continue dropping spits until everybody is dead, or you're out. Then start knifing people and looking for more ACEs.
Boomers should only be used for MAXs, and a few other choice situations. Mines are great, but since you can't carry many ACEs can often be a waste. If you see a damaged tank running from the battle, haul ass after them. Often the gunner will stay in the tank, so try to avoid running up directly in his view. The driver will be repairing, so run full speed past him dropping a boomer at his feet. Click that mouse button like a mofo waiting for the trigger to show up in your hand. Laugh at the stranded gunner.
When you spawn, pull up your ACE and select the weapon you'll most likely use. The last thing you need is to be sneaking up behind somebody changing the ACE mode. You might get away with it in a fierce firefight, but that's about it. Speaking of which, have the ACE out before you begin sneaking up on people as it makes a noise when you put it in your hand. I also pull my knife and change it to alt mode when I spawn. It will stay in alt mode if you sheath it, and that comes in handy when you pull it out to knife a sniper. Every second counts.

Edit: Forgot to mention the technique to spitfire somebody that is not in the interlink. Wait for them to run past you in the field (make sure they're fairly secluded, don't want anybody else to see the green spitfire mist when it's forming), right after they get past you drop the spit and run after them, a bit to the side to avoid the fire they'll soon be taking. The spit will form and begin shooting them in the back, they'll immediately assume it's an enemy soldier and spin around to fight back. If they're bright, they'll freeze as soon as they see it's a spit. That's when you knife them. If the first stab doesn't kill them, they'll most likely move to avoid the next stab and the spit will start taking them apart again. It's fun every time.

It's also fun to plant spits behind snipers before you knife them. A little insurance never hurts.

Last edited by Madcow; 2004-03-02 at 10:16 AM.
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