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Old 2012-07-11, 12:05 AM   [Ignore Me] #45
Sergeant Major
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Re: Can o' worms: Soul

I think I get it now.

I think you and I believe differently about the word belief (pun intended). I was having a conversation recently with somebody about what passion is and means (in reference to work and life; i.e. "my passion is skiing.") A "weaker," as I have termed it, version of "passion" is something that one pursues at convenience (then of course we have to define what convenience means) and as soon as it becomes inconvenient (depending on the individual, but there are ways to measure it) they will cease to do whatever that passion is. A "stronger" version of the definition of passion would be that even once it becomes inconvenient (scaled again) to the individual, they still pursue it. I think this can similarly be applied to the term believe/belief. You are asserting the "weaker" (which does not imply that your definition is less correct -- just different) definition, whereas I have been speaking of the "stronger" definition.

But anywho, yes you're very correct about multiple beliefs as well. Another unfortunate thing is that people will hold beliefs based on "facts" or beliefs which later turn out to be proven false and either the "child" belief (the one supported by the previously-but-now-false belief) will be so imbedded as a belief that even the rational acceptance of the former belief being false will not alter said child belief. Furthermore there is just so much damn information that when certain information changes it may go unnoticed -- unfortunately people don't get a facebook notification.
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