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Thread: The New World
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Old 2004-04-08, 10:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #5
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3. The New World

I can�t feel my foot, I can�t see anything, am I dead? Wait a sec, my goggles are dirty.

I removed my goggles, and I don�t think we are in Forseral anymore. I sat no to far from the sphere, yet there was no beam of light coming from it nor were the plates circling above it; much less there wasn�t even a bubble around it. Around me laid bodies of Terran and Vanu, and hulls of ours and their vehicles. This was all one giant room with two large corridors exiting from here.

I started walking to one, and noticed another energy like beam. I touched it. Instantly, I flew going through the corridor and finally ended at the end back on my face. I got back up to see the unbelievable.

The corridor ended to a gigantic opening, this was all one big-ass cavern.

Why didn�t we find this earlier? We drilled, we dug, we went 1000 into this world�s crust and never found one cave at the most. And now we find this. How deep are we? I guess the main question is, will we be able to get out?

Small pops were heard in the distance. Gunfire. I wasn�t the only one left again. Suddenly, one of our Liberators flew over head, most likely the one who flew into the sphere first. After him, flew 2 Vanu Mosquitoes. Both him and the Vanu shot back at each other; a few seconds later, an explosion erupted throughout the cavern.

I heading farther into the cavern. And on top of a hill, or in this case, a giant rock to see what was happening. Vanu and Terrans fought below, about 30 on each side. Luckily we sill have some vehicles, the Vanu are lucky just to have 3 Magriders.

Pop-pop, holes started sheering through the ground-someone was shooting at me. I turned and saw 2 Vanu MAXs and 1 soldier running at me guns aimed at my head. Nothing was near me, but the electrical line that threw me across from one end to another. I thought for a minute, and jumped into the line. Instantly I zipped from there to another rock. I ran to another one and went to a ceiling structure. I fell over and suddenly the wall opened. It�s a door. I ran through and found another door at the other end, it disappeared too when I went through. Again another zipline I went through. This time I landed by the edge of a cliff on my back and I landed hard. The three of them stood above me, weapons drawn.

Suddenly a loud roaring of engines came from behind. A Terran Reaver emerged from the valley, its headlights shined on the three Vanu soldiers. The Reaver shot its rockets at them, instantly they were dead. Right then, the two Mosquitoes that perused the Liberator came upon the Reaver. Like the Liberator, the Reaver flew off into the valley once more in hope to loose the Mosquitoes.

Then out of the blue 3 T.R. Galaxy�s flew by and dropped it�s troops into the ever growing fight with Vanu versus Terran. The Vanu easily started moving back, any vehicle first. Within 10 minutes, all that was left of the Vanu was the lucky few who got shot by the sharp shooting snipers.

I started down to the level they were at, since the threat was now gone. Vehicles and other soldiers started to come too. This was more than what I went in with. One came up to me and called to me.


I almost said what? But then I realized what I was going to say, I was going to say that I�m not the best soldier in this empire.

�Take me to,� I said, �to the rendezvous point.�

He nodded and took me inside a indented in a cliff side, where a Command Rank 5 stood-probably the captain of half these people.

�Ah Ryans, or Bugger yes?� he asked with a dishonored look on his face. �Nice to have you here today, welcome to the vacuum.�

No jokes. �Where are we? What happened? Who and where did you come from?� I asked.

�I am A.J. Viper, 9th after your name on the book. I had my guys up on Cyssor up against the N.C. and V.S. We don�t know what happened, not all of us went through that thing but as you can see it took the right people.� he looked over to several soldiers, all top battle ranks and even some of them stood as pilots. �As for where we are, who the hell knows?�

�So then, can we get out?�

�Not yet.� he replied.

�When then?�

He shrugged, �Who knows?�

We were getting no where. If we weren�t going to go anywhere any time soon, might as well ask how much people and food to live with.

�We have close to no food. We got enough soldiers to make the N.C. have yellow pants. The Vanu though, they out number both us and the N.C. two to one. We do have the most land vehicles compared to them and four Galaxys and Lodestars. So our armor support seams rather swell, just we can�t respawn.�

I turned real cold.


�We don�t have any AMS�s,� he repeated. �And with that we also have very limited ammo. What ever you carry is what you got.�

�We are at are knees and we can�t even fight for our lives, this seems swell,� I snorted.

�Hey wait a sec, I didn�t say we would loose without a fair fight. He have however found other weapons inside this place along with vehicles. The stock is infinite, and we might be able to respawn too.�

�So chances of survival are?� I started.

�Very small,� he ended.

I turned to the others in search of hope, but all showed fear. None of them wanted to go and fight. Death wasn�t a factor for them until now. Right now it�s all about living.

The only way to live is to have connections, and if connections cannot be made with the spawn tubes.

I turned to Viper.

�Where are the Conglomerate?�

PS Storys:
The Eraser
The New World (5Chap.)

Living is easy with eyes closed.
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