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Old 2013-01-04, 12:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #400
Archonzero's Avatar
Re: Huge Outfits and PlanetSide 2

I've come to the conclusion, that for every player who, is willing to lead, there is about 30-40 that would rather follow. For every 30-40 that want to follow.. there is about 50% of that figure that would rather do their own thing. This game lacks a real incentive, or even a real need for structure of groups.

The current certification system, while fun to unlock stuff, is terribly flawed and very focused on individual gains rather than faction or even outfit gains, for the most part it's just a pat on the back system. As it is all options are a common pool options, with no real benefit or sense of achievement based on your particular role. I really feel PS2 needs to divide the current system up into a mixed categories rather than a common pool system.

Infantry (common pool)
utilizes the current class system, for weapons/skills/gear unlocks
Vehicle Specialist (Pilot's pool)
utilizes the current system for vehicles only, as well requires a player to unlock empire specific vehicles/weaponry an equipment unlocks with vehicle certification points.
Squad Leadership (leadership pool)
Removes the leadership cert from common pool an places it into a separate field. Adds a % based certification reward system for squad leaders achieving objectives. (either success of defense or attack)
Platoon Leadership (command pool)
Adds a % based certification system for Platoon leaders who's Squad leaders achieve objectives. As well various new tools an markers for designating objective markers that only squad leaders can see. Dedicated Platoon/squad leader comm systems. (attack/or defense)
Outfit Logistics (Outfit pool)
Utilizes a % tax system for certifications an resources, of all members or volunteered members. Depending on how the outfit leader wants. These outfit logistic certs are useful for unlocking/expanding the outfits strength/size by expanding the roster with additional players. New outfit starts off with 100 members, with the logistic cert system paying to expand with either additional +platoon strength, or simply +50/100 members for each unlock.

This may not prevent zergfits from mass recruiting entirely. Nor will it prevent larger groups from splintering into smaller outfits under a TS command structure under the same leadership as the previous large outfit. The logistics pool/outfit options rewards large organized groups being successful, as well rewards outfits with a highly active playerbase. Outfits looking to stockpile/unlock features will be more dedicated to large rosters of active players an less likely to zergcruit inactive roster lists. As well those outfit features will have a considerable cost, but a cost that isn't ridiculous to achieve, a balance in cost will prevent the desire to massrecruit (but not eliminate).


Contribution of members to the outfit cert pool via tax%, is to unlock outfits ability to purchase deployable features. Call down support items, from air strikes, bombardments, supplies, fortifications, mine fields (anti-personnel, vehicle or even air) or any other fancy outfit only ideas.

All these options can be stockpiled, just like consumables an require resources to purchase once unlocked. These options will then be available to Platoon an Squad leaders that purchase the unlocks in their own certification trees.

Base Layouts Need a serious overhaul, the addition of "tank traps" to impede vehicle movement inside facility compounds is not enough. They can still cleverly get past them, I've done it as have many others. Main base spawn facilities are broken, easily camped an locked down to choke off base defense. Additional below ground rooms/halls an access to outer walls, inner base facility is an ABSOLUTE must.

This will increase defense ability of the major facilities, allowing defenders during a siege, who at this point are all infantry, an cannot push out with any vehicle strength to throw off the overwhelming tanks/air saturating the above ground access/exit points. This will give them a last man standing fighting chance and with the right numbers/organization an skill the ability to PUSH out the assault groups holding the cap points. Currently the only facility that really offers this is the biolab an it still could use some overhaul to it's design.

Last edited by Archonzero; 2013-01-04 at 02:37 AM.
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