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Old 2012-07-19, 03:09 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Hydra's Avatar
Re: Azure Twilight [NA]


I left this outfit, when I grasped the mechanics of PS1 and got tired of dying and went to play TR.

This outfit is fine if you are a beginner, in fact I encourage All people who are knew to Planetside to join this outfit. You will get a feel for the game and they will help you. You might get kills if that's what you want, since this outfit is a magnet for trouble, everything that has been said already, its fun - however-

The main gripe I had with this outfit back in the day is that they ( or the "elites" )believe in "quantity over quality" (still do apparently I heard) Your individual skill is meaningless and you will forever stay a mobile meat-shield directed to wherever you are told in hopes that the objective is completed. This is evident by the recruitment process, since they just allow anyone in without a trail period or applications. A person can be banned from this outfit and just make an alt and jump right in. This outfit lacks discipline.

Imagine being in a room and there is only one enemy there, how many people do you think it takes to kill that one guy? In AT apparently you need 100. Ops leaders will get frustrated because new recruits do not know the same basic procedure and ruins the flow of those you may already know. Its mind blowing after jumping in the game after all this time they still do not have divisions for this organized zerg and still use the same tired tactics over and over again. If you are planning to improve your individual skills and already know the ropes to the game, I do not advise this outfit since it greatly hinders growth.

Just because you have a large army does not mean that will win battles for you. Look at the The Battle of Cannae, when the Romans outnumbered the Carthaginians, back then their training and their equipment were very effective something we all know about the Romans, however that did not help them when the Carthaginians slaughtered them, in this case their numbers were used against them(also superior tactics) and AT is not different. Can't tell you how many times we are pushing into a BD and a shitload of maxes come out of nowhere hitting mines, getting OSED and cluttering the hallways with their dead bodies only for the few who actually made it to the spawns or gen to be half dead and be easily picked off. Lets not forget how several newbie AT squads can walk into a room to get mauled by fewer and more skilled NC/TR -we've all seen it.

Not sure what Azure Twilght are planning for PS2 but I'm sure they will stream it for everyone to see. However one thing is certain, if you are VANU and playing PS1/PS2 for the first time this outfit should be mandatory, think of it as going to a public school, you are learning the basics and getting ahead, but eventually, soon, its time to go to college and get a job.
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