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Old 2011-12-20, 04:25 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
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Re: The most broken things from PlanetSide1

Originally Posted by Quovatis View Post
I ate AA maxes for breakfast in a reaver. In fact, most of my kills were AA Maxes. All you do is note where they are, come in from a different angle, and kill them. Only way you die is if you get really greedy or there are multiple MAXes in the area. AA Maxes are not a good counter to reavers at all. Only the starfire stands any chance against a reaver because it can jump, but after the reaver armor buff (why?????), the starfire has to reload to get the kill, which makes it reaver bait.

NC AA MAX = LOL free kill
TR AA MAX = free kill if it's not locked down and shooting at you. But even if it is, you'll probably kill each other.
Good point. I had a different perspective though being NC. The VS AA maxes were bitches to take out using air because most of the time they are up in a tree or an antenna which makes the rockets useless, and trying to take them out with guns is suicide.

But yeah, the TR Maxes, especially locked down, were easy, except they were compensated by every TR and his mom carrying the Stiker and I never liked sticking around in an area long with a "Lock On" flashing on my screen.

As an NC AA Max, I always had to make sure I was on a ridge where I could drop down in 2 directions and keep my head on a swivel. But if I did that, I could chase planes away without ever firing a shot. Just lock on and many will turn and burn.

But like you said, if you had multiple AA Maxes, or better yet AA BFRs, then you really could deny a large area to air. So that's why I don't think AirCav was broken. Their counter was just underused. So even though I'll likely be flying mostly, I really want to see much much more AA in Planetside 2.
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