PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - Systems: Gain access to cert improvement at the beginning of training, instead of the end.
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Old 2011-07-23, 03:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #8
Sergeant Major
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Re: Gain access to cert improvement at the beginning of training, instead of the end.

Some sort of try before you buy would be cool.

Maybe a second pool you can train into at a reduced rate which gives you skillpoints that can be untrained and respent over time. Kind of like when CCP ditched learning skills and gave everybody a refund on the skillpoints they'd put into learning. But with these ones you could swap them out kind of like you can swap certs in PS.

Once you're there they could give a boost to your training rate if you decide to keep the skill...

I say this because Higby has stated in no unclear terms that if you want to REALLY specialize in a vehicle you could be training for over a year.

There are over a dozen vehicles... however many infantry types and classes... Won't be able to skill up everything by the time the game is a footnote in a history textbook on 21st century gaming.
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