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Thread: MAX Timers
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Old 2004-02-14, 03:56 PM   [Ignore Me] #47
First Lieutenant
BadAsh's Avatar

Originally Posted by Spee
Seriously. This chapped my ass hardcore.

Jumpjet into tower, in Quasar MAX.
Proceed to CC.
Come across guy with JH out, begin shooting at the length between the floor and halfway up the stairway.
JH guy has enough time to turn, see me, put away JH, take out deci, shoot me once, backpedal as I jumpjet, and smack me again as I try to evade.

WTF? No, that should NEVER happen, EVER. ESPECIALLY against an AI MAX.

Deci's TTK against AV/AA MAX should be lower than thier TTK towards a deci user, but NOT against an AI MAX.
I know that can be annoying, but...

1. Your TTK is faster than his, in that situation either you were missing ALOT or he was just using cover while he reloaded. I kill MAX units all the time with the Phoenix which is a 3 shot kill... mobility+cover=win.

2. As to my earlier point... if you had just 1 MA or HA infantry buddy this guy would be an easy kill. The strength of the MAX is it forces the infantry to make the decision... do I carry my gun in hand or do I carry my deci in hand... this makes him vitually naked against either infantry or MAX units. Just exploit this weakness with your tactics. Go in with a HA or MA infantry buddy... And when some rexo tries to play decimator peek-a-boo around a corner like that your infantry guy will rush in for the easy kill AND block his deci shot by charging right into his face... now the enemy can only hit him and he can't miss... it is over quickly. Have your infantry buddy take the "point" position where he goes first. The enemy comes back with HA? No problem, infantry boy pulls back around the corner and this time you are used as cover.... a AI MAX and 1 or 2 infantry can own in a tower for a long time using this tactic.

Nerfing the Deci and or decreasing the MAX armor timer will only allow for MAX units to rambo... I much prefer the power to remain in teamwork.

Last edited by BadAsh; 2004-02-14 at 04:00 PM.
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