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Thread: MAX Timers
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Old 2004-02-14, 09:35 PM   [Ignore Me] #54
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Originally Posted by BadAsh
IMHO, you guys are just not up to the challenge. When you suit up in an AI MAX you get a free kill on any infantry that does not have a Deci. To those that do have a Deci it's 50/50 on who wins depending on how smart you play it and what the situation is. If you see him comming you will win. If you don't he will, it's that simple.
First off, good luck finding an infantryman who doesn't have any AV weapon of any kind. Second, infantry with Decimators aren't your only problem. Reavers kill non-AA MAXs easily, and I'm sure they specifically look for MAXs when attacking. And finally, once again we come to this "well you can kill them sometimes" stuff. What is the infantry guy sacrificing in order to use a Decimator? A little bit of inventory space or a holster. You sacrifice all your utility, mobility, and versitility to have a 50/50 chance against someone who's giving up a weapon holster or a bit of inventory space. Good thing MAXs have a five minute timer too, huh?

That's damn good for 3 cert points. I'm not really sure what you guys want, invulnerability from infantry?
Invulnerability? Nah. How about some measure of protection against infantry?

Warborn you are talking about MAX units soloing and they CAN. I solo with my AA MAX all the time. I get into the same places snipers usually hang out and kill aircraft that come by. When I take enough damage or need more ammo I just jog over the the closest tower and repick my MAX.
Solo, rambo, whatever you want to call it. I'm saying that anything but a MAX is able to be self-sufficient on the battlefield, and you're calling foul because MAXs would be able to do the same should the timer go down (although given the responses I'm abandoning the timer deal and moving to significant MAX enhancements instead to justify the timer).

You seem to be asking for the power to rush into a horde of enemy infantry and kill them all with no risk. That's not solo, that's over powered.
Tanks can cut a swath through infantry no problem, and they share a lot of the limitations MAXs do too. Now, while I don't want MAXs to be comparable to tanks, I do want them to be far stronger than they are now. Either the developers enhance them to justify the timer and the array of restrictions imposed upon MAXs, or they reduce the restrictions and timer to justify the current inequities.
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