PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2
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Old 2012-01-25, 05:16 PM   [Ignore Me] #421
Lieutenant Colonel
Re: New single person mechs designed from scratch for PS2

Sorry, your English is throwing me slightly.
Don't worry about it. I grew up in French so this happens once in a while.

I just meant that I cannot read minds hence why I have no logical basis to support my opinion.

So yes, it's all an assumption/opinion.

The meaning associated to words is very much based on an individual's personal understanding of it. Words like freedom, courage and honor can be readily translated but contain a much greater meaning that may not be the same between individual and their culture.

Kind of like how the definitions of what is a republican or democrat can even differ between members of a same party.

Anyways, back to the topic, that's why it's hard to normalize ideas and meanings associated to words. I think people generally associate mechs to BFRs (as Big F****** Robots) whereas just saying bipeds would fit more your idea of mechs.

Of course, both are mechanized and fit into the "mechs" category. Overall, I think most of what we read in this thread stems from different ideas being associated by each individual to the expression "single person mechs".

Add-in the emotional factors from PS1 and single person MBTs and you realistically should not expect most to stay rational.


In the end, I think I understand what you mean and frankly, it would be possible to put light mech bipeds with height advantage and AI in PS2 but the important questions is how balanced it will be and how much room it will take roles-wise ?

There was a great diversity of roles in PS1. When OP BFRs came in, they overtook over all roles for off-base fighting (either by being better or by preventing other playstyles to be viable).

I believe that the important part of PS1 is to offer a niche room for all kinds of players so that they can enjoy what they like the most in large-scale battles.

Large-scale should not be a small fight model multiplied x10 in scale. The scale should be used to offer more playstyle diversity. That's the kind of balance idea I am trying to convey.

Light mechs ? Sure, why not. As long as they do not destroy the diversity in gameplay available in PS.

So to summarize, yes, I agree with you that it's possible but it should not destroy other niches/roles.

Edit: let me know if something is unclear due to language/grammar and I'll try to rephrase it. I can also detail more some ideas if it is unclear with this post. Thanks for understanding that I do not have a perfect english. FYI, just in case because there's always room to misinterpret written text: while some people are set in their crusade to prove people wrong, I do sincerely try to discuss ideas with people even though I may disagree with theirs. So if I sound like I come off too strong, it may be unintended. Just let me know.

And <3 !

Last edited by sylphaen; 2012-01-25 at 05:22 PM.
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