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Old 2012-04-02, 06:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
Re: Planetside 2 and Trolls

Originally Posted by Tasorin View Post

TK's are easy to deal with and more often then not they believe they are disrupting the game more then they are. When we see douche bag's like you Dreamcast in game and you shoot down one of us as a teamkill, no matter what name you are playing under, we are going to be saying in Vent. "Kill that motherfucker [Insert your douche bag name here] he TK'd me." You might as well paint a big target on your back, because we are not going to stop at just killing you back once. We will take turns TK'ing you back so whatever grief system they put in we can minimize the effect from. Realistically you are going to get to grief PuG's with TK'ing with little retribution, that is who will suffer from TK's. A simple /Global system could easily address the PuG's problem and put your name in the mouth of every pissed off squad/unit leader that is trying to get something done on the Continent you are causing problems on.

All PS2 accounts should be tied to a Station Account. All Station accounts should require positive intensification of the individual registering the account. There are several ways of doing this, and I will let SOE decide which combination of checks to use. This way when you cheat or grief so much your PS2 account is banned and so is your Station Account. At least make the individuals who are going to make multiple accounts to be douche bags on work for more then 5 minuets to make a new account.

Cheating/Hacking is the problem, not players TK'ing.
lol first of all TKers can be paying customers too so why lose customers....since the grief system will still probably work then u can't tk that much.

Personally I don't tk 24/7, only once and a while because is fun so is not a big deal....I actually like it when people want to kill me so much that they focus on me and not the battle so I wont have a problem with my team tking me.

Originally Posted by Skitrel View Post
Use LoL's system, it's proven monumentally successful. Jury by the game's peers, it's the fairest possible way to provide justice in EXACTLY the way the community wants that justice done, jury by their peers.

Sure, they consider anything a troll, that's because it's not just an anti troll system, it's an anti-anything-people-dislike system. Anything that the majority dislikes can get the hell out. What people consider douchebaggery, negative behaviour, anything that brings down the tone of the game, anything that in the majority people consider to have a negative impact on the enjoyment of the game, it can all fuck off. This is why the tribunal system works, it works in enforcing what the community wants in it's community's behaviour. It enforces the type of environment and social behaviour that everyone wants to play the game in.

As you can see the losing team reports....Why is that?...because the losers always need to blame somebody else.

So Like I said it works because I do get banned sometimes but I can see how it effects innocent people.

But really LoL tribunal doesn't really work on me...I mean I always get reported I have gotten ban like 3 or 4 times for like 3 like whatever to be honest lol and I been playing LoL since for like 2 years.

they don't need to be reported a lot they need to be judged by 20 of their peers, deemed by the majority as guilty and then a GM agreeing with that verdict for somebody to receive action against their account.
I thought lots of reports gets u on the tribunal?....because people report so much that only the ones with the most reports get to the tribunal then punished.

Last edited by Dreamcast; 2012-04-02 at 07:02 PM.
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