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Click here to go to the next VIP post in this thread.   Old 2013-07-20, 02:57 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
PlanetSide 2
Game Designer
Re: Roadmap Resource Revamp & Continental Lattice Updated

Originally Posted by DviddLeff View Post
Looks like a great change, few questions:

1. Once a base is out of power and the troops run out of resources, they simply can't pull resource requiring kit, but they can still spawn there? Would be interesting what happens if the spawns shut down.

2. By removing the inventory I presume you mean the stock of 40 C4, grenades, Mines, etc that we all have? Good change if so as I waste a good amount of time and certs getting things I don't even use simply so I don't 'waste' infantry resources! As you say that insulates us from being cut off for potentially hours of game play.

3. I presume it will be ground vehicles only that can transport resources, rather than aircraft? And just like the good old ANT I presume it will take time to deploy and refill a base, rather than it being instant?

4. Resource nodes - are these just randomly around the landscape or specific points between each base on the lattice? Are they capturable if so? Will there be any kind of defences around them?

5. AMP Stations stink of being a resource pipeline in their very design, will they play a unique part in the new system? Could act as an alternative hub for resources if you have no connection to the warp gate, making them important strategic targets like the tech plant is currently.

That's it for now! Thanks for all the hard work Malorn.
1. The idea of PS1-style neutrality is a possibility, but it isn't essential for the core mechanics. The running thought on this is that we want to see how a pure-resource loss system works. If we are successful in making resources matter then the 100% loss of them should be crippling enough. Neutrality offers other tradeoffs though. It does make for a more extreme consequence and can up the stakes.

2. Yes, inventory refers to the stockpile of infantry consumables which completely insulates players from shortages. The goal is that resources are generally constant and predictable, but they are subject to local acute shortages that are impactful. Inventory hurts that and is also tedious and unnecessary. Removal of it opens more skill of resource management for veterans while making it easier for new players to explore the game and be more spendy (they start with only grenades and vehicles to spend resources on, so they can afford to try out vehicles more...lot better than current 20 minute cooldowns).

3. Mechanic is very ant-like: Deploy, charge up, transport, deploy to dispense. And yes, ground vehicles. Air vehicles would circumvent the geography and detract from the desired gameplay.

4. The resource nodes will be placed, not random. Think of them like charging stations. Drive up, deploy, charge up, leave. Some will charge faster than others as part of a risk/reward tradefoff. They'll be placed in remote parts of the continents to get more interesting gameplay in the more unused areas and make geography more of a factor. The number and placement is TBD, but that's the goal. Oh and every warpgate would have one nearby so you always have a power source even if backed up.

5. I had envisioned AMP stations having a power-related role but that moved to the Warpgate. AMP stations have another important benefit planned.
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