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Old 2012-10-22, 07:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #1
My thoughs on ProSiebenSat.1 after talking to them at SOELIVE

At SOELIVE I sat in the Q&A session with ProSieBenSat.1 team and had a chat afterwards, and what I heard made me feel better about ProSat after really only hearing bad press about them on all forums that talk about SOE.

Firstly I know there have been changes announced about SOE accounts not needing to be migrated over to them if you do not wish to, which is on the back of all the feedback they have had from the previous announcements. What was said is now they will focus on getting new players in to SOE games why respecting the veteran players of PS2 and the other SOE games, and in the process trying to build trust of current players and allowing them to migrate when ever they want to. What they showed though the session was that the team who will be managing the support are them self gamer's and enjoy playing the games that we all love playing with SOE, and that they also do not want this to fail personally and not just for business.

ProSat support for SOE games are going to be totally separate from any of the other games that they support which they openly admit are pay to win and they do not want this to happen to SOE games, and will be working along side SOE to make sure that between the two companies they are keep things balanced between the USA and EU players why offering better support to the EU players that SOE have admitted they find hard to provide and hope to learn why working with Prosat, ProSat have got 100+ team and growing to support the SOE games.

For the UK guys who wonder if SOE games will be advertised over in the UK as ProSat does not have a big presence there, they have said that they are working with a partner (which at this time they can not say who) that will be working with them to put SOE games out there so we should at some point start seeing the kind of adds they had at games con in Germany coming over here and TV ad’s. We may also see an SOE LIVE type event coming over to the UK we will just have to wait and see.

Finally I want to thank the ProSat team who developed the faction shirts for PS2 as they look awesome and are an example of what may be available to buy later when the game is released along with much more game related products.

I know everyone will still have their doubts over this new support set up but we can only wait and see how things turn out. But remember if you are a current SOE subscriber in the EU there is no one forcing you to migrate your account.

Last edited by relicuk; 2012-10-22 at 08:23 PM.
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