PlanetSide Universe - View Single Post - How many vs have you seen that are good with the lasher?
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Old 2012-07-13, 09:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #28
Gunuko's Avatar
Re: How many vs have you seen that are good with the lasher?

Back when I was good, I pretty much held off a yellow alert with the old Lasher, I killed 20 enemies before finally being killed with no help. Or actually there was one vs who spawned in, picked up a quasar max, and proceded to use anti vehicle mode on infantry, he died within 10 seconds. lol. And not all the guys I was fighting were noobs either, a couple almost beat me. Also the interlink facility benefit + fighting only 1 max helped greatly! The lasher was a lot harder for me to use when I was lagging, the first portion of the time I played in 2006 I was using a completely out to date computer, my computer I used back in 2004/2005 broke down, and I couldn't buy any good parts . Then I finally got me some good fps, and bam, I almost held off a yellow alert single handedly! Not a boast, I actually didn't even notice I did this till a couple years later when I was looking at my old footage I recorded. Edit: Let me add there were 1 or 2 vs in cc, but I defended the rest of the base

-BlueTiger, the Legend himself.

Last edited by Gunuko; 2012-07-13 at 09:37 AM.
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