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Old 2009-12-09, 12:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #11
Lieutenant Colonel
DviddLeff's Avatar
Re: Indoor combat improvements

I recommend that everyone goes and tries Star Wars: Republic Commando as it is one game that I think nails how infantry combat should be in a sci fi setting.

The main thing is door breaching; you as squad leader call for either a stealthy hack or a door breach, and your squad then goes to it; squad leaders in PS would be awesome with the orders key that this game has, as well as games like Brothers in Arms. Back to the door entry; hacking is just like PS, quietly open an enemy door while door breaches require you to plant explosives and then stand back, after which the troops throw in flashbangs and then storm it; in PS this would be amazing.

Smoke grenades would be great; by smoking out defenders they will find it hard to shoot unless they already have their crosshairs lined up, and in which case they are still not aiming for you, just firing blind. Smokes also in the field would be very useful providing cover from snipers or vehicles as infantry travel.

Good idea regarding SMGs; they should be more useful indoors due to their rapid fire rate. At the moment heavy assault harms the game, it simply gives those who use it a massive advantage indoors due to the damage output, giving MA users little chance due to the low damage output and time to kill; in my eyes HA should be broken up and separated, but the main change would be to make SMGs that can perform on par with them at close quarters.

Killing the lights in a building would be fantastic, especially if you combined it with an implant that let you see in low light, torches or infra red vision.

Regarding the idea about TF2 invincibility I simply don't think its needed as MAXs should fill that role. At the moment they do not as everyone carries a decimator, which gives MAXs about the same life expectancy as an infantryman indoors. Change MAXs so that they take deci damage like any other infantry and they will become a lot more useful indoors.
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