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Old 2004-12-12, 11:00 AM   [Ignore Me] #1
oddfish's Avatar
Your Ultimate Video Game

Everyone has their own idea of what the ideal video game would be. Their own personal concept of their PERFECT GAME.

I want to know what your ideas are.
Post 'em here.

I'll go first to set the template. It can be any style/genre you like, of coures. Remember, it's YOUR perfect game.

Style/Genre: Mine would be a MMOTPS. (Massively Multiplayer Online Third Person Shooter) in the style of Star Wars Battlefront or GTA: SA, only it would be massively multiplayer instead of single player or console link up.

Character Design: You would create a character much like how you create a character in the Fallout series of games. This, in my opinion, makes each character more personal and deep. You would be able to learn tasks and jobs during the course of the game, from people who have already learned the tasks. Teaching others would also increase your "knowledge" of your skill, until you achieve mastar status. So on, so forth.

World Design: An enormous, freeroaming state, with a kind of highway system where while you're on the highway, it's constantly loading the other worlds, until you get to an "exit" where the world you are attemping to go to will begin ITS loading phase while you're getting off the ramp. This way there is technically no load time. Plus, the highways would lend to great high speed chases.
The worlds would be varied and everchanging. Like giant simcities. Some places would be futuristic and mechanical/digital, some places would resemble fuedal japan in their style, others would resemble arabian architecture and landscape. Some places would look like a ghetto, others like a thriving metropolis. It would be a huge and diverse world where you could play the whole game in one or two places, or go everywhere and see everything.

Factions: Six Factions. The Business class - Characters that are in the game to do business and trade going on adventures only when they absolutely must, or just to better their chances of increasing their status as a business person. The business class may also set up black markets, back-door operations, speak-easies, casinos, and other "vice."
The Law Enforcement Class - Instead of tattling on some asshole for shooting random people in a crowd, there would be players that choose to be involved in law enforcement. You would enlist in the Guard. The guard are the Emperor's (i'll explain the emperor momentarily) personal law/body guard outfit. They've got all sorts of advanced shit to do their thing. The Guard are also the Emperor's army in this world. Some guard will be NPC robots which can be either set to do their work as programmed, or they can be controlled by the emperor or other guard officers. The Law Enforcement Class is part of the Emperor's Army which is one of the primary opposing factions in the game.
Mercenary Class - Warriors for hire. Their only true skills and abilities lie in combat and combat related skills. These players are only good at killing and doing damage, sooo, the best way for them to make money is to hire themselves out to kill for either the Emperor or the Uprising.
The Uprising - This faction is the one that ******dly opposes the Emperor and his Guard. The uprising are a mixture of many different kinds of players that could just as easily fit into the business class, but choose to affiliate themselves with the Uprising instead.
The Outlaw/Criminal Class - This class is the mafioso class. They're not affiliated with the Emperor or the Uprising, their the darker side of the Business class. Choosing this path is choosing to take no side but the side of your "friends/family." In this position, you are avoiding the Guard, and turning a blind eye to the concerns of the Uprising. Drugs/Weapons/Information smuggling. That's what you do.

Of course, any of these factions has the opportunity to change at any time for who and for what they fight. A Mobster/Gangster could decide that the uprising is right, and they could use the help. Or, he could just as easily decide that the Guard could use the help more. The Criminal class are like mercenaries that deal less in combat and more in the means to give others their advantages without actually getting in the fight themselves.

The Emperor: The Emperor would be basically a big character controlled by the Dev team. His job would be to rule with the iron fist of idealogical ambiguity. His rule must be dark and oppressive, but also on a leash, so he doesn't get to the point where he becomes a kind of demi-god.

Character Social Status: Your character can achieve social status as his Good/Evil meter goes up/down. That's right, you have a dark and light side meter. You can either come off as a nice guy or a total prick, a murderous psycho, or a kind gentleman. As you progress through the game, you also gain notoriety. From "that guy, over there" to "Hero of the People!" Each of these social status concepts would have their perks, like the ability to enlist new players into the Guard or the Uprising, if those are your factions.

Everything would be heavily customizeable, from weapons to vehicles. New stuff would be introduced as often as the devs could muster. It would be an every chaning world.

Also, respawning: You can only respawn if you have purchased a respawn terminal. Otherwise you have to wait for an ambulance (run by players from any faction) to come get you and either heal your wounds or try to revive you. There is such a thing as character death in this game. If you die and don't have a respawn tube, you have to COMPLETELY start over. Respawn tubes can be just about anywhere, and, if you own property you can have a respawn tube built on your property that only you can use. Otherwise you have to use public respawn tubes that are located in public respawn buildings which are built onto hospitals.

There is no "dueling" no PvP. It's always PvP. You can shoot anyone you want. BUT, the Guard will see that shit and open fire on your ass, or, they could snag you and fine you or stick you in Jail for up to 48 hours. In other words, you kill a random innocent person and get caught by the Guard, you could have to wait 48 hours before you can even play again. So, this will make certain asshole players THINK before unloading on a crowd of bystanders.

There it is.
- The wind beneath your wings

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[20:19] <Phobos> oddfish: Glad to see you, now help me move this dead body.
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