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Old 2009-11-10, 07:08 AM   [Ignore Me] #31
Tikuto's Avatar
Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by Sifer2 View Post
I also want them to adopt the free to play but subscribe for bonus features business model. I think to the average FPS player this will be far more acceptable.
I've always disliked bonus content by having to pay. I'd rather it be more simple.
  • A free-to-play service allowing people to play and keep a population active with targets aconstantly available. Cannot access certain features, limited on weapons (Common-pool weapons only with maybe few exceptions & maybe other limitations like armor)
  • A subscription service as normal allowing the player to access everything in-game as normal like on PlanetSide 1.

Last edited by Tikuto; 2009-11-10 at 07:11 AM.
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Old 2009-11-10, 07:19 AM   [Ignore Me] #32
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Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by JackEarthrider View Post
Now that I have played it a bit more I'd say that the Anti-Air is a bit too strong in this game to make aircraft any fun to fly.

That being said I don't think they should be gotten rid of, just toned down so the pilot being fired at has a chance to evade and make another pass. (although the missles are the only truely overpowered AA I have encountered so far).
I'm hoping the continent sizes will be much more incredibly huge alowing for high-speed jetfighters to speed in and somehow avoid AA weapon, and with that the AA weaponry could be much more interesting like a Chaingun for ripping aircraft wings off:
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Old 2009-11-10, 10:23 AM   [Ignore Me] #33
Re: So what do you want?

I just thought of something that I think would be pretty cool.

Outfit ranks can purchase Licenses which give them access to various upgrades/parts for crafting of their weapons/vehicles A LA mass effect when you could purchase Licenses for the Quartermaster on your ship.

I think it should tie into Outfit rank. After purchasing the licenses, players can apply available upgrades to their loadout/configuration at an appropriate upkeep to use it in accordance with the allowance provided to your character based on your BattleRank/Command Rank.

individual players could go about getting out of outfit upgrades for their gear illegally by running missions/doing quests for Illegal marketeers/black market'esque operations.
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Old 2009-11-11, 09:02 PM   [Ignore Me] #34
Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by Tikuto View Post
I've always disliked bonus content by having to pay. I'd rather it be more simple.
  • A free-to-play service allowing people to play and keep a population active with targets aconstantly available. Cannot access certain features, limited on weapons (Common-pool weapons only with maybe few exceptions & maybe other limitations like armor)
  • A subscription service as normal allowing the player to access everything in-game as normal like on PlanetSide 1.

I think that's the opposite of what they should do. The goal of the Free to Play Subscribe for Bonus's model should be to insure lots of people always play. Since that's when Planetside is at its best is when tons of people play it. Makes it better for Subscribers and the Free players as well as more interesting to anyone on a trial.

Your type of restrictions would make Free players almost second class citizens that can't use any of the good guns. Hence no one would want them in their squad. And they would get owned all the time an say screw it an stop playing. I feel a Free player should be able to reach a high enough BR rank to afford a reasonable amount of certs. And should have access to ALL certs. So that it still retains that sense that a Free player can hold his own in the field of battle an is worth having.

In my post I suggested that along with some side goodies you could give subscribers that would make it worth it without really overpowering them I think. Probably some more things they could get. I just don't think it should be exclusive certs.
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Old 2009-11-11, 09:19 PM   [Ignore Me] #35
Misc Info
Re: So what do you want?

I am absolutely 100% against the idea of having a "free to play" game. I know enough about MMO's to tell you that, by asking for a F2P game, you are asking SOE to build you a game with very little depth and watered-down content. There is a certain process that goes into making games built for subscribers, and games built to be free (these things are decided even before the game starts the development process).

On top of all of that, I'd rather not see any sort of in-game advertisement...I get enough of that just driving an hour to school and work nearly every day.

Somehow, I feel some of you are asking for features in a game you aren't going to stick around long enough to play :P.

Last edited by Fishsticks; 2009-11-11 at 09:21 PM.
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Old 2009-11-12, 11:03 AM   [Ignore Me] #36
Re: So what do you want?

a few features that i envision for PSN:
  • single planet with each faction having a spaceship to launch from and initiate orbital strikes. the ships occasionally move and hover over different continents to switch up planet battles
  • seamless transition into atmosphere from space ship and possibly space fights using the flying vehicles
  • moons that are opened up for battles occasionally and give you special rewards
  • destroyable environment the regenerates over time and random asteroid strikes of varying sizes that leave impact craters and kill anyone in the blast radius
  • radical weather during day and night and environment effects such as solar flares, earthquakes, erupting volcanoes that affect your health/armor/abilities
  • NPC animals that roam the planet and appear randomly
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Old 2009-11-14, 01:00 PM   [Ignore Me] #37
Tikuto's Avatar
Re: So what do you want?

I want:
  • Player-triggered Events

By this I mean there are sets of events available to be triggered by coincidence, covenience or consequence either accidently or deliberately.
For example:
  • Gathered resources and technology and so-on can trigger an 3-Empire-wide event allowing players to use BFRs for the duration.
  • Gathered resources and technology and so-on can trigger an 3-Empire-wide event allowing commanders to remotely navigate a huge hovering death machine in the sky.
  • An Empire exposes the elusive invisable (cloaked) Vanu alien exiles. Something consequencial or beneficial may occur.
  • Empire-specific global objective(s). Vanu Sovereignty may want to protect a sensitive location, New Conglomorate may want to sustain battle, Terran Republic may want to destroy a sensative location.

Last edited by Tikuto; 2009-11-14 at 01:03 PM.
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Old 2009-11-14, 10:40 PM   [Ignore Me] #38
Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by Tikuto View Post
I want:
  • Player-triggered Events

By this I mean there are sets of events available to be triggered by coincidence, covenience or consequence either accidently or deliberately.
For example:
  • Gathered resources and technology and so-on can trigger an 3-Empire-wide event allowing players to use BFRs for the duration.
  • Gathered resources and technology and so-on can trigger an 3-Empire-wide event allowing commanders to remotely navigate a huge hovering death machine in the sky.
  • An Empire exposes the elusive invisable (cloaked) Vanu alien exiles. Something consequencial or beneficial may occur.
  • Empire-specific global objective(s). Vanu Sovereignty may want to protect a sensitive location, New Conglomorate may want to sustain battle, Terran Republic may want to destroy a sensative location.
If there is ANYTHING resembling those Accursed BFR's, they'd better be more comparable to this.

Or this

And they better not be for Battling either Unless its smashing each other with their Forklift Hands! otherwise, I expect em to be picking up crates of resources and getting back to the mines.

At the very worst, they should be of about this scale. The Zion battle Suits from the Matrix (APUs).

Last edited by Kumoblade; 2009-11-14 at 11:12 PM. Reason: Previous Image too large, IMO
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Old 2009-11-19, 08:48 AM   [Ignore Me] #39
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Urban Scenes - Cities

Originally Posted by Furret View Post
Definitely cities.
I'd like for them to be Earth-like futuristic but still alien to us all. By alien I do not mean slime, goo and metaphysical flesh or whatever.

In development of these cities
  • PlanetSide is never-ending war. A huge sky-scraping building would have already collapsed, hills of metalic rubble. Smaller buildings remain strong and indestructable.
  • All buildings provide foot-soldiers provide multiple cover from aircraft. Unique benefactor of fighting in urban land unlike a Cyssor continent.
  • Very few indestructable trees. WOOT! LOL
  • Where would this city be? Half continent with multiple unique objectives (mini-facilities) to capture the land?
  • Would this urban land work as a huge Sphere Of Influence on a continent? Makes a change from facility-jumping all the time.
  • Purpose of fighting on urban land? Each Empire would have a unique purpose for it, I suppose, and thus recieve and unique benefit from capturing this territory.
    • Terran Republic: Decreased weapon & vehicle spawn timers.
    • New Conglomorate: Decreased soldier spawning time.
    • Vanu Sovereignty (i hope this empire gets ditched): Increased defenses or something more interesting.

Last edited by Tikuto; 2009-11-19 at 08:49 AM.
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Old 2009-11-19, 08:31 PM   [Ignore Me] #40
Major General
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Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by Sifer2 View Post
Your type of restrictions would make Free players almost second class citizens that can't use any of the good guns. Hence no one would want them in their squad. And they would get owned all the time an say screw it an stop playing.
You have no idea what you're talking about.

I used to run squad and platoon operations where everyone wore Standard Armour and carried a Suppressor or a Punisher. Not only did we remain a cohesive unit for over two hours, but we also killed a Vanguard tank, several MAX units, and a Reaver (to say nothing of the slew of player kills).

It doesn't get much more "second class" than Standard/Suppressor.
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Old 2009-11-23, 02:17 AM   [Ignore Me] #41
Re: So what do you want?

Originally Posted by Firefly View Post
You have no idea what you're talking about.

I used to run squad and platoon operations where everyone wore Standard Armour and carried a Suppressor or a Punisher. Not only did we remain a cohesive unit for over two hours, but we also killed a Vanguard tank, several MAX units, and a Reaver (to say nothing of the slew of player kills).

It doesn't get much more "second class" than Standard/Suppressor.

Perhaps but what works for your little group of skilled coordinated players wont work for the general population. There just going to see they cant use most of the strong weapons an conclude that subscribing is required to play the game worth a damn an quit. Thus kind of defeating the purpose of the free to play option which would be to make sure there is a big population.

I am not SOE so I don't know what level of profits or subscriptions they want to reach. Perhaps my preference for a game where casual people can play the game reasonably well for free an the more die hard players can subscribe for some nice extras would be unacceptable to them an their business strategy. But I do think that if they make it like the current game where subscriptions are required either literally or if you want to have access to enough of the equipment to be effective that they will have to implement serious changes. Since that model was already proven not to the work with the first game.

The game will have to have far more depth or lasting appeal an very regular extensive content updates or something. And if they are not willing to do that this time then I think some level of free to play will be needed.
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Old 2009-11-23, 11:06 AM   [Ignore Me] #42
Re: So what do you want?

I think it should be Monthly Subscription + Free Reserves (with heavy restrictions).

As a reserve, it shouldn't be able to get the full experience of the game without subscribing. Allow them to only use basic weapons and armor and restrict most vehicles and make them a support role.

This system allows for new players to get a feel for the game and increase populations and furthermore, having a reserves in your squad can be beneficial as they can provide support for your squad members.

Here's a problem though:

Cheating players who get banned can easily create a new account and try cheating again without any big repercussions.

Just some things to think about..
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Last edited by ANaKeR; 2009-11-23 at 11:12 AM.
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Old 2009-11-23, 09:45 PM   [Ignore Me] #43
First Sergeant
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Re: So what do you want?

First off, the reserve system should be put in permanently.
And in-game advertisements should also be in, just to lighten the load on subscribers.
Does it really matter if the NAVY is recruiting in the sanctuaries?
Not particularly.
Hell, even if on the sides of guns, they had real-life manufacturer's names on it, I wouldn't give a fuck.

On the topic of balancing Reserves and Subscribers

I think that everyone who plays PlanetSide should only be allowed 11 certifications.
In order to give subscribers an advantage, they would have access to more exotic (but not more powerful) weaponry/vehicles, more fire modes for weaponry/vehicles, and perhaps weapon/vehicle packs.

For instance, If you get an Air Assault I and Assault Buggy certifications, it costs you 6 Certs. Light scout has all the same vehicles, but for 5 certs (but no access to Air Assault I)

So, a Reserve could get Medium Assault (2), Heavy Assault (4), Air Assault I (3), and Air Assault II (2) for 11 certifications.

A subscriber on the other hand, could get the Heavy Assault Pack (Med and Hvy assault) for 5, and the Air Assault Pack (Mosquito, Reaver, and Wasp) for 6. All of the certifications combined is 13, but because they get a 'package deal', they get more for their 11 certs.

Also, for that subscriber, the heavy assault pack would include a flamethrower (which would have the effect of plasma).

Another bonus the subscribers would get is when you get a certain number of achievements in a category. Lets say you enjoy carpet bombing the crap out of people, so you and your friend regularly get a Liberator and start carpet bombing the shit out of stuff. After 20, 50, and 100 kills, you'd get a Bronze, Silver, and Gold Achievements (possibly displayed on your shoulder). Once you get to gold, you are automatically awarded a Liberator, no certification points need to be spent. This wouldn't mean you get the whole Air Support certification, only that the Liberator is available in the vehicles list.

If you also enjoy spraying people down with your MCG, and get a certain number of kills with that, you would gain Bronze, Silver, and Gold ranks. If you achieved a Gold rank, you'd be able to access an MCG whenever (not giving you access to all Heavy Assault Weaponry, just the MCG)

Once you get your first category to Gold, the game will ask you whether or not you want to save it as your free cert. If you choose to not get the free cert for the Liberator, and instead wait until Gold for your MCG, you still get the Gold bar on your shoulder, just not the free vehicle.

Choosing something to get free could either be irreversable (possibly a bad idea) or have a very long cooldown timer (month or so).

Would make the game more interesting for subscribers, without completely unbalancing the game for reserves.

Also, reserves could achieve the Bronze achievement, at which point they stop getting credit for kills. This process would work the same way BR currently works, at BR6 you stop gaining experience, and any experience gained does not carry over if/when you upgrade your account.

The only flaw with the system is deciding what the reward is for having a higher Battle Rank. Possibly, when the game decides who gets onto a pop-locked map, after separating the subscribers from the reserves, go by BR experience. That way, you have the more experienced players on the maps with the most contest.

Anyway, if you have any ways you'd like to change the idea, that's fine. I'm willing to go with anything that will make PSN a better game.

And I hate typing these long responses because PSU always logs me off while I type them =D
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Old 2009-12-05, 10:55 PM   [Ignore Me] #44
Second Lieutenant
Re: So what do you want?

Tall grass. Like in Delta Force 2.
...What's Iraq like?

IEDs, SAF, RPGs, & mortars. But only during breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The enemy is so poor, they have to keep day jobs

PS Storyline
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Old 2009-12-09, 01:21 PM   [Ignore Me] #45
Lieutenant Colonel
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Re: So what do you want?

Regarding subs and payment models, here are my thoughts:

Free Unlimited Trial: Up to BR 10, enough certs to specialise in one field, and be adequate in others.

Pay for the box: BR up to 15, CR up to 3 (keep in mind that under my scheme each CR would cost cert points and you could only use the abilities if you were leading a squad or platoon). Enough certs to specialise in 2 fields.

Subscription: BR up to 20 and CR5. Enough certs to specialise in 3 areas.

The key to Planetside has always been the equality of all players, if you break this by giving subscribers elite equipment then you take away one of the main selling points of the game.

Oh, under no circumstances should certs be packaged up, bring back the old days when each item cost points; we saw individuals specialise and have to rely on each other for support, not be a one man army able to take on everything that could be thrown at him. Oh and no more than BR20 of course, any more and its just too many cert points.
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