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Old 2012-06-16, 11:54 PM   [Ignore Me] #16
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by indirect View Post
Def. misused sarcastic.

If you'd like to continue to be a pseudo cool guy, keep misusing words.

"Marked by or given to using irony in order to mock or convey contempt"

Being sarcastic can be more then the state of using sarcasm (using irony to mock/ridicule/wound/etc).

A sneering or cutting remark can be called sarcastic.

Your first post.

"^Typical ignorance." Completely unnecessary to say this. You could easily have fully explained the reasoning without using those words. Yet you immediately resort to calling someone ignorant in what feels like a rather offensive tone.

This is where the sarcastic asshole part comes from.

Your second post

"Not even slightly funny, really."

You didn't even have to post this. Some people will find that video funny, some people won't. (For me, small tiny chuckle, not worth a 2nd rewatch).
The guy who posted clearly found it funny. But you just kinda mocked him for what he found funny. Based off that, the 2nd post kind of reinforces the impression given by the 1st post just by the tone of the post.

Maybe, I'm being too harsh in my first impression of you, but you come as a hard to please, sarcastic asshole.

While sarcastic might not be the right word to describe your posts perfectly, it just seems to fit you.

Perhaps now you understand, perhaps now you don't.

My Stream -

Last edited by Effective; 2012-06-16 at 11:59 PM.
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Old 2012-06-17, 12:59 PM   [Ignore Me] #17
Staff Sergeant
Re: Battlefield Premium

I don't think you understand what irony is.

edited for prosperity, don't want to stoop to your level
(The usage of prosperity would be in fact sarcastic, ironic, or facetious.)

Last edited by indirect; 2012-06-17 at 02:45 PM.
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Old 2012-06-18, 01:39 AM   [Ignore Me] #18
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Re: Battlefield Premium


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Old 2012-06-18, 03:34 AM   [Ignore Me] #19
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by NivexQ View Post
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Old 2012-06-18, 07:38 AM   [Ignore Me] #20
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by indirect View Post
^Typical ignorance.

We'll put it in PS2 terms. PS2 is F2P, assuming they are going to regularly release DLC (LIKE SOE DOES, DON'T THINK PS2 WON'T - ALA DCUO, EQ2, EVEN EQ1 NOW) and we'll say it's 14.99 per pack. Well to stay competitive and playing you'll probably need to get the DLC anyway. We'll assume they release 6 DLCs in 2 years. 6*14.99 is 90$. Now lets say SOE announced PS2 Platinum (not a sub, just a once time price) that gave you all 6 DLCs for 69.99 as well as some cosmetic goodies and maybe 10,000 resources (arbitrary number clearly)

You'd jump on it in a HEARTBEAT and PRAISE SOE for their kindness.
Who are you talking to? Is it me? You speak with a lot of authority for someone who doesn't know jack shit about me or my buying habits. Or my opinions about DLC.

Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt, kiddo.
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Old 2012-06-18, 02:10 PM   [Ignore Me] #21
Staff Sergeant
Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by ItsTheSheppy View Post
Who are you talking to? Is it me? You speak with a lot of authority for someone who doesn't know jack shit about me or my buying habits. Or my opinions about DLC.

Best to remain silent and be thought a fool than open your mouth and remove all doubt, kiddo.
To start off this retort, I'll mention that you calling me 'kiddo' makes you look entirely childish. I'll then go on to mention that I actually know a lot about your buying habits by your first post... I'll go ahead and quote that for you.

Originally Posted by ItsTheSheppy View Post
What amazes me is the fact that people will be in droves.
Using simply reasoning (you don't even need to apply any form of logic) you can deduce that this statement says, this is a terrible idea, EA is just trying to milk money from their customers. The funny thing about that though, is that they're actually saving their customers money by doing this - you're just too much of a delusional anti ea flameboy dipshit to notice.

In my first response to you I mention that if Sony did this for Planetside (be it a bundle of skins, camos, DLCs, resources, implants, WHATEVER) you'd be on it in a heartbeat (as would I, and as would thousands of others - which is why marketing teams come up with the idea.)

I'll summarize this post by letting you know how entirely foolish you look, how much of an ass you made yourself look, and that you are only fighting yourself - because I've already proven my point and dropped my kids off at you.

P.S. I know it's stooping to your level of ignorance, but I'd just like to comment. I'm most likely 10-15 years older than you, I've undoubtedly seen more of the world that you, and I'm definitely much wiser than you are. So take a step back before you talk to me again, and think about who could be on the other end of the internet.

Last edited by indirect; 2012-06-18 at 02:12 PM.
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Old 2012-06-18, 10:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #22
Re: Battlefield Premium

So Battlefield Premium eh?

Sounds interesting, but not really interested in paying basically the price I paid for the game for DLC. Just me though.

Yes I am pretending everything above this didn't happen.
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Old 2012-06-19, 05:58 AM   [Ignore Me] #23
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Battlefield premium is a great deal IF you we're planning on buying all the DLC packs it covers, although if you already have B2K it won't be as good a deal.
None of the DLC's so far have really been needed to stay competitive, except of course if you really want to play on the exclusive maps. So far none of the added weapons have been overall better than the original weapons, or the B2K weapons for that matter.
It's a one time deal, as opposed to Elite, and the only real reason I'm not buying it is because of the regional pricing model, well that and I want to pick which DLC I want to purchase.

Last edited by ChipMHazard; 2012-06-19 at 09:32 AM.
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Old 2012-06-19, 07:30 AM   [Ignore Me] #24
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by indirect View Post
To start off this retort, I'll mention that you calling me 'kiddo' makes you look entirely childish. I'll then go on to mention that I actually know a lot about your buying habits by your first post... I'll go ahead and quote that for you.

Using simply reasoning (you don't even need to apply any form of logic) you can deduce that this statement says, this is a terrible idea, EA is just trying to milk money from their customers. The funny thing about that though, is that they're actually saving their customers money by doing this - you're just too much of a delusional anti ea flameboy dipshit to notice.

In my first response to you I mention that if Sony did this for Planetside (be it a bundle of skins, camos, DLCs, resources, implants, WHATEVER) you'd be on it in a heartbeat (as would I, and as would thousands of others - which is why marketing teams come up with the idea.)

I'll summarize this post by letting you know how entirely foolish you look, how much of an ass you made yourself look, and that you are only fighting yourself - because I've already proven my point and dropped my kids off at you.

P.S. I know it's stooping to your level of ignorance, but I'd just like to comment. I'm most likely 10-15 years older than you, I've undoubtedly seen more of the world that you, and I'm definitely much wiser than you are. So take a step back before you talk to me again, and think about who could be on the other end of the internet.
Protip: When someone points out that a post you made made them think you were a little kid, coming back with "Jokes on you, I'm way older than you think!" isn't nearly as nasty a rejoinder as perhaps you might expect. "Aha! I caught you! I'm actually in my fifties! Just goes to show what you know!"

Yes, it goes to show that I had reason to think an older gentleman was acting like a little kid. There sure is egg on my face.


I'm not exactly sure how lamenting that people will buy crappy DLC and 'premium' accounts, thereby rewarding what are in essence shady (at best) business practices, means I would happily buy DLC if it was provided by Sony. One might suspect I'd have the opposite reaction to it, in fact. If one had an ounce of reading comprehension skills.
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Old 2012-06-19, 10:33 AM   [Ignore Me] #25
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Re: Battlefield Premium

I always have a good laugh when I see people defend bf3 premium, especially when they shout "it da discountz!!! me BUY NAOW!!", LOL knowing EA they just overpriced the separate DLCs so they can sell (push down your throat) their premium bullshit and tell you how much you save, you fanboys ever thought of that?? NO! Also it's hilarious how you keep shelling money in advance to EA after what they did with LE preorder, when the last dlc hits (almost a year from now!!!) bf3 population is most prolly going to be extinct since it's a CoD clone played mostly by console kiddys which will be gone the moment bf4 or new MoH comes out and EA will just dump the whole thing and release another piece of overpriced garbage activision-style. And even despite all this you still staked your money and even defend EA and their marketing practices....good lord, how lame is that? EA should burn in hell, stupid money whores.

ps: something for the fanboys to read in bed:
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Old 2012-06-19, 10:41 AM   [Ignore Me] #26
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Enjoy your rage wank?
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Old 2012-06-19, 11:13 AM   [Ignore Me] #27
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by Nemo View Post
I always have a good laugh when I see people defend bf3 premium, especially when they shout "it da discountz!!! me BUY NAOW!!", LOL knowing EA they just overpriced the separate DLCs so they can sell (push down your throat) their premium bullshit and tell you how much you save, you fanboys ever thought of that?? NO! Also it's hilarious how you keep shelling money in advance to EA after what they did with LE preorder, when the last dlc hits (almost a year from now!!!) bf3 population is most prolly going to be extinct since it's a CoD clone played mostly by console kiddys which will be gone the moment bf4 or new MoH comes out and EA will just dump the whole thing and release another piece of overpriced garbage activision-style. And even despite all this you still staked your money and even defend EA and their marketing practices....good lord, how lame is that? EA should burn in hell, stupid money whores.

ps: something for the fanboys to read in bed:

No one buying anything from EA ever thinks about their business strategies. It's smart on EA. But it also shows how many gamers are horrible consumers.
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Old 2012-06-19, 12:03 PM   [Ignore Me] #28
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by Nemo View Post
I always have a good laugh when I see people defend bf3 premium, especially when they shout "it da discountz!!! me BUY NAOW!!", LOL knowing EA they just overpriced the separate DLCs so they can sell (push down your throat) their premium bullshit and tell you how much you save, you fanboys ever thought of that?? NO! Also it's hilarious how you keep shelling money in advance to EA after what they did with LE preorder, when the last dlc hits (almost a year from now!!!) bf3 population is most prolly going to be extinct since it's a CoD clone played mostly by console kiddys which will be gone the moment bf4 or new MoH comes out and EA will just dump the whole thing and release another piece of overpriced garbage activision-style. And even despite all this you still staked your money and even defend EA and their marketing practices....good lord, how lame is that? EA should burn in hell, stupid money whores.

ps: something for the fanboys to read in bed:
The DLC prices are the same as they were when B2K was released, $15. So unless they planned your supposed plot beforehand it seems rather unlikely, also $15 seems to be the normal price for such DLC, does it not?
Are they overpriced? Probably when compared to what you would get from an actual expansion. I only ever buy them when I think I'm getting my money's worth.
I don't see how their Limited Edition pre-order was somehow worse than other similar pre-orders.
Well of course most of the playerbase will move on when a new Battlefield game is released, it's normal for large parts of the playerbase to move on when a new version of a series is released. I'm rather certain Planetside won't be played much when Planetside 2 is released.
Isn't the whole PC elitist thing just a wee bit tripe? Plenty of PC owners play BF3 and plenty of those who own a console are not in fact children.
Burn in hell? A bit harsh that... We are after all just discussing about a video game publisher/developer here.

Yes that prize really did make me embarrassed to call myself a gamer. No video game company should ever be on that list as a nominee much less actually be the winner.

Normally I don't reply to posts such as this one, but it's rather silly to see someone supposedly feel such hatred towards a video game company.

Last edited by ChipMHazard; 2012-06-19 at 12:04 PM.
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Old 2012-06-19, 02:41 PM   [Ignore Me] #29
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Re: Battlefield Premium

When BF2 was still releasing Expansion Packs, everyone loved them. Now that it's BF3 and the Expansion Packs are called "DLC" everyone is throwing a fit. If you don't want them, don't buy them. Let everyone who wants them buy them. Stop giving a fuck.

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Old 2012-06-20, 07:26 AM   [Ignore Me] #30
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Re: Battlefield Premium

Originally Posted by NivexQ View Post
When BF2 was still releasing Expansion Packs, everyone loved them. Now that it's BF3 and the Expansion Packs are called "DLC" everyone is throwing a fit. If you don't want them, don't buy them. Let everyone who wants them buy them. Stop giving a fuck.
The perception was that expansion packs tended to contain more bang for the buck. The stigma with DLC is that the company is nickle-and-diming its customers, releasing the smallest content at the highest price possible.
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